It’s the big day! MASTERS OF SUCCESS- is FINALLY Here! Get your bonuses TODAY!

It was Walt Disney who said that all our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. What say you try to accomplish your goals in this light? Start today and be the Master of your own success. Today is the big day!  Just for buying my new book today, that …

My New Book Comes Out Tomorrow! And so do your bonuses!

Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure. ~ Confucius   As I announced yesterday, over the last 6 months I have been working on a book with some of the top entrepreneurs all around the world.  In the process of writing this book, we all agreed to …

Learn How to Master Success

Few topics have been written about as much as SUCCESS. Even among most seriously discussed subjects like religion and politics, the concept of success plays a critical role. Something just as interesting is that success means different things to each of us. This reflects the individuality that we enjoy. In a commercial context, success is …

Press Release: Jason Mefford to write book with Brian Tracy

Orlando, FL April 27, 2016 – Jason Mefford, President of Mefford Associates, has joined Brian Tracy, along with a select group of experts and professionals, to co-write the forthcoming book titled, Masters of Success: The World’s Leading Entrepreneurs and Professionals Reveal Their Secrets For Mastering Success In Health, Wealth and Lifestyle. Nick Nanton, Esq., along with business partner, JW Dicks, …

Risk Based Internal Auditing Book

This simple and easy-to-read guide will show you how to align the annual audit plan, and corresponding audit projects and efforts, with the objectives of the organization. This book provides answers and practical how-to information to help internal audit activities take that next step in their evolution to being risk-based internal audit profession. It is …

New Book with Brian Tracy

My agent just got me a publishing deal with CelebrityPress® to co-author a book with Brian Tracy called Masters of Success. I have finished a chapter of the book, which I am posting below.  It discusses the importance of using Principled Performance as a way to make better business decisions.  I would encourage you to …

OCEG is Updating the GRC Capability Model to v3.0 in September 2015

Did you know OCEG is updating its GRC Capability Model to version 3.0 in September 2015?  The updates are meant to help simplify the model and make it more consistent with being able to use the GRC Capability Model v3.0 for your whole GRC capability, or any individual capability within the GRC capability.  It is …

NEW Risk-Based Internal Auditing Book Published

Internal auditors are told they need to develop a risk-based audit plan, but many internal audit activities simply risk rank their audit universe and believe that is risk-based auditing. Another common mistake is to identify risks to audit without ever determining if they are relevant to the organization’s objectives. Risk-based internal auditing is really about …

Training and Certification in GRC

If you are a professional working the area of governance, risk management, compliance, internal audit, or any other function that is an integral part of a GRC capability, you owe it to yourself to get personally certified as a GRC Professional. It is actually much easier to get certified than you might expect. OCEG, the …

Risk Based Internal Auditing

In this course about risk-based internal audit you will learn … What risk-based internal auditing is and what its not. The Risk-Based Internal Audit Model – only available in this course. Risk management basics. How to transform your internal audit activity to a truly risk-based function. How to develop a risk-based internal audit plan. Get …
