E94: Vendor Risk Management with Rick Roybal

As organizations outsource more and more of their processes, the #risk associated with managing those vendor relationships goes up. Organizations may think they are removing the risk by #outsourcing, but they are only sharing or transferring a portion of the risk. Just ask the countless organizations that found themselves holding the bag on a multi-million …

Fire & Earth Podcast E88: So You Want To Write A Book

It seems like everyone has writing a book on their bucket list. In this #fireandearthpodcast episode we discuss the options available for those of you that dream of writing a book, and some questions you should ask yourself before you head down that path. Since Kathy and Jason have both written several books, both traditional …

E90: Collaborative Audit Report Writing with Tracie Marquardt

Internal audit reports have been written the same for decades, and honestly are usually very boring and don’t meet our organization’s needs. In this episode I talk with Tracie Marquart about action oriented recommendations, improving report writing to consider the end of the value chain, seeing the big picture, linking our work to assurance over …

Fire & Earth Podcast E86: Laughing Every Day with Sarah Routman

Can something as simple as laughing each day actually improve your health? Absolutely. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond. Laughter can help keep everything in perspective, and the more we practice it, the better we get at seeing things in a fresh and more light-hearted way. Instead of crying, …

E88: Lessons from a Chief Audit Executive with Sohail Saleem

In this week’s #jammingwithjason episode I speak with Sohail Saleem about lessons he learned from being a CAE. We discuss various topics including: investing time and money into your career development (and yes that even means out of your own pocket), having a vision, determining what you need to get to the next level, seeing …

Fire & Earth Podcast E85: 5 Steps to Unlocking Potential Through P.U.R.P.O.S.E. with Connie Benjamin

Purpose fuels everything we do. When we live our #purpose we get lit up and on fire! In this #fireandearthpodcast episode we are joined by Connie Benjamin, an international speaker and author of the book: Women With Fireā„¢: 6 Secrets to Purpose, Prosperity, and Passion. Get out your paper and pen and take some notes, …

E86: Soap Boxes and Podcasts with Trent Russell

In this special episode of #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I talk with Trent Russell the host of “The Audit Podcast” about the profession of internal auditing and some “soap box” issues we both feel strongly about to help improve internal audit in organizations. It’s a dual interview style, so you get to hear questions and answers from …

Fire & Earth Podcast E84: The 4 Steps and Stages to Learning

There are 4 different steps to learning. The problem is most people stop after the first or second step, never really learning. Just going through the motions and the knowledge is lost. In this #fireandearthpodcast we talk all things learning. Listen in at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/fireandearthpodcast/ To learn you need a combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, and …

E84: Traditional Internal Audit is Dying

For the times, they are a changing in the internal audit profession. You can choose to stick your head in the ground and ignore what’s going on, but you may end up like some CAEs who just got let go from their positions for sticking with a traditional internal audit mindset. In this week’s podcast …

Fire & Earth Podcast E83: How to Pivot Your Business with Carla Cherry

In this #fireandearthpodcast episode we are joined by #marketing strategist Carla Cherry to discuss marketing and how to pivot your business. The COVID pandemic has caused many #entrepreneurs to re-assess their businesses and see if it’s time to pivot or time to hone their marketing to attract their perfect clients. Here are a few sound …
