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The Spiritual Campfire™ | CPA | Media Producer | International Man of Mystery
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Most people live a life of quiet desperation, going through life in a hypnotic trace. It’s seems like “Groundhog’s Day” and soon every day, week, month and year roll together and they wake up thinking “where the hell did the last 10 years of my life go?” and often end up in burnout or having a mid-life crisis.
Many people are waking up to their spiritual gifts, are shedding old beliefs and evolving into new beings on a spiritual path. They are trying to reconcile their analytical brain with what they sense or feel, and are understanding they are a spiritual being having a human experience.
Some live in constant fear and anxiety of what may happen (which usually never does), or “should” all over themselves, say horrible things to themself in their heads, and live a life of shoulda-woulda-coulda and play a victim that life is not fair, or let their circumstances dictate their level of well-being.
The fact that you are on this page means you either don’t buy that bullshit, and/or you are ready for a change. Congratulations, wave your hand in the air like you just don’t care, because a big virtual high-five is coming your way across the crowded internet
- Maybe you’d like to feel more confident?
- Maybe you are tired of pretending to be someone else, when your authentic self is kicking and screaming to be let out to play.
- Maybe you’d like to feeling the crippling effect of fear and anxiety so you are actually living in peace?
- Maybe you’d like to control your emotions better, and learn how to manage the emotions from others?
- Maybe you’d just like to slow down and enjoy the present moment, like smelling the roses.
- Maybe you’d like to have better relationships personally and in your career?
I’m sure at least one of those stood out to you, and you’ve come to the right place to get help.
This website is dedicated to helping and serving you, my friend.
You’ll notice this webpage is simple. It’s that way on purpose… in fact you will come to learn there is a reason and intention for most everything I do (as crazy as I may sometimes sound). Complex usually causes confusion and frustration, and who needs that. Simple and practical is always the best choice.
Keep scrolling to find my latest posts and podcasts, and you can also join my VIP Lounge where I will communicate directly with you. And since it’s free, so you’ve got nothing to lose, but you will get treated like the very important person (VIP) I know you are.
When you need my help, I’m here to serve you.
- “Jason is a remarkable guy! He is one of the top trainers and coaches in the business today.” – Brian Tracy
- “I have used many coaches and mentors over the years. The ideas and value I received in one call with Jason, was worth more than all of the other coaches and mentors I have used combined.” – AJ MacQuarrie
- “Jason is a Jedi master!” – Jerome Wade
I’ve spent most of my career as an executive and thought leader in internal audit, risk management, ethics, compliance, GRC, etc… and have been walking a spiritual path for many years.
Latest Posts
- Where to Find Podcast EpisodesWe have stopped putting separate posts for each podcast episode on this website, and have stopped posting the episodes through podcast players. We are continuing to post all podcasts and videos on YouTube, which is where you can find them at:
- EP-106 You Already Know the AnswerHave ever had a big life decision to make, but didn’t want to make it?Did you already know what to do, but were just afraid to do what you already knew? In this episode we discuss how we can come to our own answers in an authentic way, without copying others, but finding our own …
- Ep-105 The Master is Not a TeacherAre you looking for a spiritual master to give you the answers you seek?There will be many willing to give you a 10 step program to increasing your spirituality, but that is not how true spiritual masters work. In fact, they don’t even give you the answers or teach you in the way you may …
- Ep-104 Do No HarmAre you doing harm and don’t even realize it? On the spiritual path there are certain codes of conducts we should follow. In this episode we talk about Do No Harm, what it means and some practical applications of what it means in our personal and professional lives. Three little words that have some many …
- EP-103 Flipping People Off in the Church Parking LotAre you being consistent in how you act when you are “being spiritual” and in the rest of your life? Is how you treat people in your personal life and how you do business consistent with a spiritual person? In this episode we discuss how often we want to separate our spiritual life from the …
Continue reading “EP-103 Flipping People Off in the Church Parking Lot”
- Ep-102 Observing the World Around UsIn this episode we share how turtles, foxes, and wind chimes led to a discussion about observing the world around us. It may seem strange, but this is actually a very deep spiritual practice that allows us to develop our intuitive skills and see the messages the universe is sending to us. Do you see …
- Ep-101 What is Spirituality? Two Years LaterOne of our first episodes we discussed what spirituality meant to each of us. After two years of doing the podcast and walking the path, we updated our discussion to what it means to each of us now. Going from something bigger and things external to us, to a more internal view looking at personal …
Continue reading “Ep-101 What is Spirituality? Two Years Later”
- Ep-100 Are You Mind Full or Mindful?In this episode we pull a card as the basis for our discussion which was: MIND FULL, Group Think. Is your mind full or are you being mindful? What are you filling your mind and body with? Are you showing up empty, so you cup can be filled? This an so much more in this …
- Ep-99 Today for You, Tomorrow for MeDo you believe in true altruism? Is there really such a thing as selfless giving? In this episode we discuss the concept of ayni which means “today for you, tomorrow for me,” and show how as we move down the spiritual path and are consciously aware of our intention and energy behind giving and serving, …
- EP-97 From “Why Me” to SynchronicitiesAs a follow up to our last episode on fear, we discuss the trap many of us fall into with low vibrations feeling, emotions, and the encounters and experiences that we often allow ourselves to get triggered into the same old feelings and emotions. “Why me” keeps us trapped in the feelings and emotions, but …