Edutainer | Audit Leader Forum™ | Internal Audit Training | Mentor | Consigliere |
The Spiritual Campfire™ | CPA | Media Producer | International Man of Mystery

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Welcome to my home…page. Mi casa, es su casa!

Join me monthly in The Spiritual Campfire™

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Most people live a life of quiet desperation, going through life in a hypnotic trace. It’s seems like “Groundhog’s Day” and soon every day, week, month and year roll together and they wake up thinking “where the hell did the last 10 years of my life go?” and often end up in burnout or having a mid-life crisis.

Many people are waking up to their spiritual gifts, are shedding old beliefs and evolving into new beings on a spiritual path. They are trying to reconcile their analytical brain with what they sense or feel, and are understanding they are a spiritual being having a human experience.

Some live in constant fear and anxiety of what may happen (which usually never does), or “should” all over themselves, say horrible things to themself in their heads, and live a life of shoulda-woulda-coulda and play a victim that life is not fair, or let their circumstances dictate their level of well-being.

The fact that you are on this page means you either don’t buy that bullshit, and/or you are ready for a change. Congratulations, wave your hand in the air like you just don’t care, because a big virtual high-five is coming your way across the crowded internet 🙂

  • Maybe you’d like to feel more confident?
  • Maybe you are tired of pretending to be someone else, when your authentic self is kicking and screaming to be let out to play.
  • Maybe you’d like to feeling the crippling effect of fear and anxiety so you are actually living in peace?
  • Maybe you’d like to control your emotions better, and learn how to manage the emotions from others?
  • Maybe you’d just like to slow down and enjoy the present moment, like smelling the roses.
  • Maybe you’d like to have better relationships personally and in your career?

I’m sure at least one of those stood out to you, and you’ve come to the right place to get help.

This website is dedicated to helping and serving you, my friend.

You’ll notice this webpage is simple. It’s that way on purpose… in fact you will come to learn there is a reason and intention for most everything I do (as crazy as I may sometimes sound). Complex usually causes confusion and frustration, and who needs that. Simple and practical is always the best choice.

Keep scrolling to find my latest posts and podcasts, and you can also join my VIP Lounge where I will communicate directly with you. And since it’s free, so you’ve got nothing to lose, but you will get treated like the very important person (VIP) I know you are.

When you need my help, I’m here to serve you.

  • “Jason is a remarkable guy! He is one of the top trainers and coaches in the business today.” – Brian Tracy
  • “I have used many coaches and mentors over the years. The ideas and value I received in one call with Jason, was worth more than all of the other coaches and mentors I have used combined.” – AJ MacQuarrie
  • “Jason is a Jedi master!” – Jerome Wade

I’ve spent most of my career as an executive and thought leader in internal audit, risk management, ethics, compliance, GRC, etc… and have been walking a spiritual path for many years.

Latest Posts

  • Ep-89 An Attitude of Gratitude
    What would you do if the fortune cookie you open said “Wednesday will be the day to express gratitude for the blessings in your life?” If Wednesday happened to be the day we record new podcasts, we would dedicate one session to gratitude. In this episode we discuss how developing an attitude of gratitude can …
  • E393 Sam and Bobby McGee
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  • Ep-88 Being Impeccable
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  • E392 We Can Be Heroes
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  • Ep-87 Taking a Path with Heart
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  • E391 Major Tom’s Ashes
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  • Ep-86 Monkey Wrench
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  • Ep-85 Energy Bubbles
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  • E389 Beethoven’s Wig and Bologna
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