Edutainer | Audit Leader Forum™ | Internal Audit Training | Mentor | Consigliere |
The Spiritual Campfire™ | CPA | Media Producer | International Man of Mystery

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Welcome to my home…page. Mi casa, es su casa!

Join me monthly in The Spiritual Campfire™

Join me monthly in The Audit Leader Forum™

Most people live a life of quiet desperation, going through life in a hypnotic trace. It’s seems like “Groundhog’s Day” and soon every day, week, month and year roll together and they wake up thinking “where the hell did the last 10 years of my life go?” and often end up in burnout or having a mid-life crisis.

Many people are waking up to their spiritual gifts, are shedding old beliefs and evolving into new beings on a spiritual path. They are trying to reconcile their analytical brain with what they sense or feel, and are understanding they are a spiritual being having a human experience.

Some live in constant fear and anxiety of what may happen (which usually never does), or “should” all over themselves, say horrible things to themself in their heads, and live a life of shoulda-woulda-coulda and play a victim that life is not fair, or let their circumstances dictate their level of well-being.

The fact that you are on this page means you either don’t buy that bullshit, and/or you are ready for a change. Congratulations, wave your hand in the air like you just don’t care, because a big virtual high-five is coming your way across the crowded internet 🙂

  • Maybe you’d like to feel more confident?
  • Maybe you are tired of pretending to be someone else, when your authentic self is kicking and screaming to be let out to play.
  • Maybe you’d like to feeling the crippling effect of fear and anxiety so you are actually living in peace?
  • Maybe you’d like to control your emotions better, and learn how to manage the emotions from others?
  • Maybe you’d just like to slow down and enjoy the present moment, like smelling the roses.
  • Maybe you’d like to have better relationships personally and in your career?

I’m sure at least one of those stood out to you, and you’ve come to the right place to get help.

This website is dedicated to helping and serving you, my friend.

You’ll notice this webpage is simple. It’s that way on purpose… in fact you will come to learn there is a reason and intention for most everything I do (as crazy as I may sometimes sound). Complex usually causes confusion and frustration, and who needs that. Simple and practical is always the best choice.

Keep scrolling to find my latest posts and podcasts, and you can also join my VIP Lounge where I will communicate directly with you. And since it’s free, so you’ve got nothing to lose, but you will get treated like the very important person (VIP) I know you are.

When you need my help, I’m here to serve you.

  • “Jason is a remarkable guy! He is one of the top trainers and coaches in the business today.” – Brian Tracy
  • “I have used many coaches and mentors over the years. The ideas and value I received in one call with Jason, was worth more than all of the other coaches and mentors I have used combined.” – AJ MacQuarrie
  • “Jason is a Jedi master!” – Jerome Wade

I’ve spent most of my career as an executive and thought leader in internal audit, risk management, ethics, compliance, GRC, etc… and have been walking a spiritual path for many years.

Latest Posts

  • Navigating the Narcissist
    Are you dealing with a narcissist? In this episode we explain how to identify if you are dealing with someone who is a narcissist, ways to look for patterns, how to engage and set boundaries, and how to have compassion for yourself knowing it really is them, not you that is the problem.
  • E381 Folders, Scrunchers, and Rollers
    Did you know there are many different ways to wipe your butt?As humans, we all have to go to the bathroom, but there are very different ways to “how” we do it, and none of them are right or wrong. One way to change our world view is to understand that most of the world …
  • Embracing Change to Bust Burnout and Embrace Happiness with Jason Mefford
    Interview with Phil Gerbyshak and Jason Mefford. Jason Mefford is a recovering auditor and compliance rockstar turned consultant. He also is someone I know who embraces change like few others. Join me as I make him share his secrets to embracing change to bust burnout and embrace happiness.
  • EP-76 Sensing Others Energy and Intentions
    EP-76 Sensing Others Energy and Intentions Have you ever met someone and got an uneasy feeling, but don’t know why? Have you ever heard someone say something and think the energy behind their words don’t match? In this episode we discuss more about how you can start practicing sensing the energy of others and the …
  • Keeping Things Simple
    Keeping things simple requires a lot less energy and effort. In this episode we discuss why most people prefer to make things complex, the traps in doing that, and how you can keep it simple. There is a lot of power in simple things.
  • E380 Don’t Fence Me In
    “Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above; Don’t fence me in. Let me ride through the wide open country that I love; Don’t fence me in.” Those words in the song “Don’t Fence Me In” by Cole Porter and Robert Fletcher are beloved by many, and have been covered by the …
  • Ep-75 The Work Nobody Sees
    The most important work you can do is actually the work nobody sees you do. They may see the effect after time, but they don’t see your commitment and discipline in the little things you do each day that have such a big impact. In this episode we discuss some little things we do, share …
  • Adapting to the Litter Box
    Why do we resist change? Why don’t we adapt as quickly as animals? In this episode we share stories to make a point and see how we can start adapting quickly, and see those opportunities when we need to adapt as the happy times when we are actually learning and growing. With the right perspective …
  • E379 Crossing the Bridge and Initiations
    Sometime you have to cross bridges on the spiritual path, and they are usually the crumbling or death defying rope bridges like you see in Lord of the Rings or Indiana Jones movies. In this episode we discuss crossing bridges, initiations into higher levels of being and states of consciousness, and how these relate to …
  • Ep-74 All Is One
    Everything is connected, and everything is one… a small part of a bigger whole. In this episode we discuss ways to think about this, how to elevate our thinking to higher levels of the whole, and the intention and way in which we can progress from a place of survival and self preservation to one …