Fire and Earth Podcast

Our 24/7, on-demand, technology-infused lifestyles has blurred the lines between work and home life. Many people feel burned out, overwhelmed, and out of control in life/work balance.

You have so much potential. Don’t let stress and limiting beliefs get in the way of living your best life.

The Fire & Earth Podcast gives you practical advice and keys to unlocking your potential in life and business, hosted by Dr. Kathy Gruver and Jason Mefford. Real, raw and unscripted. You will laugh, cry, and get motivated when you listen.

Your Hosts:

Kathy Gruver

Jason Mefford

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Detailed Show Notes and Downloads

E300 Persevere or Change Direction?

E299 The Divine Masculine in Relationships

E298 The Divine Feminine in Relationships

E297 The Egg and Our Evolvement

E296 FedEx Driver

E295 What’s In a Name?

E294 Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Precipitation

E293 Navigating the Narcissist

E292 Keeping Things Simple

E291 Adapting to the Litter Box

E290 What Are We Most Grateful For in Our Careers?

E289 Day Tripping Preparation and Integration

E288 Going Back Home

E287 Encore: How to Make Decisions

E286 How Can I Appreciate Everyday Joys and Miracles?

E285 Don’t Should On Yourself or Others

E284 Encore: Relinquishing Control and Asking For Help

E283 Are You Hesitating?

E282 Indulgences That Aren’t Really Indulgences

E281 Writing This Chapter of Your Life

E280 How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone Today

E279 How to Make Decisions

E278 Relinquishing Control and Asking For Help

E277 Encore: Traditions and Expectations

E276 Encore: How Can I Take Time for Myself Today?

E275 Encore: Loving the Person You Are Becoming

E274 Encore: Excuses for Not Improving Your Life and Letting Go

E273 Money, Money, Money… Money

E272 What Part of You Needs Acceptance and Love?

E271 Word to Your Mother

E270 Duck, Duck, Dog and Shaking Things Off

E269 Attracting Wealth, Abundance, and Well-Being

E268 What’s On Your Desk #9

E267 Sneaky Self Care

E266 Traditions and Expectations

E265 How Can I Take Time for Myself Today?

E264 Loving the Person You Are Becoming

E263 Excuses for Not Improving Your Life and Letting Go

E262 Expressing Gratitude for a Roof Over Your Head

E261 Protecting Can Hurt Kids and Adults

E260 Psychedelic Journeys and Dying Every Day

E259 Changes and Progress

E258 Are You Interested in Psychedelics and Plant Medicine?

E257 Your Unique Qualities and Connecting with Others

E256 F&E Encore: Kindness is Golden

E255 F&E Encore: Assumptions in Your Decisions

E254 F&E Encore: Why Suffer Twice

E253 F&E Encore: Forgiving Is Really for YOU

E252 F&E Encore: When Do You Get Good Ideas?

E251 Kindness is Golden

E250 Assumptions in Your Decisions

E249 F&E Encore: Accepting the Is-Ness of the Moment

E248 Why Suffer Twice

E247 Forgiving Is Really for YOU

F&E Encore: Incorporating the Sacred into Every Day

E245 F&E Encore: Is Change Really a Slow Process?

E244 Incorporating the Sacred into Every Day

E243 Plant Medicine Woman and Changing Your Name with MisT Magdalena Grace

E242 Is Change Really a Slow Process?

E241 When Do You Get Good Ideas?

E240 What Literary Character Would You Be?

E239 F&E Encore: What’s On Your Desk #8

E238 F&E Encore: It’s Really That Simple

E237 F&E Encore: Is That You Universe or My Expectations and Ego?

E236 F&E Encore: What Do You Do?

E235 F&E Encore: Going with the Flow of Synchronicity

E234 Find the Moments of Beauty with Valerie Anne Burns

E233 It’s Really That Simple

E232 Accepting the Is-Ness of the Moment

E231 F&E Encore: Creating a Mindful Space at Work or Home

E230 Enjoying the Little Things in Life

E229 What’s On Your Desk #8

E228 What Do You Do?

E227 F&E Encore: Is That You Universe or My Expectations and Ego?

E226 Is That You Universe or My Expectations and Ego?

E225 Cycles and Seasons

E224 F&E Encore: Naughty Words and Being Yourself

E223 Cancer Saved My Life with Emilee Garfield

E222 Overcoming Body Image Issues

E221 What’s On Your Desk #7

E220 What’s On Your Desk #6

E219 Hope and Happiness

E218 Compassion For Your Enemies

E217 F&E Encore: Responding Instead of Reacting

E216 F&E Encore: There Are No Small Parts in Life, Just Small Actors

E215 I Will Get to You When I’m Done with Me

E214 Stopping Negative Self Talk

E213 How to Give Bad News

E212 Stop Beating Yourself Up at the End of Relationships

E211 Snuggle Down or Go Out and Play?

E210 Are You in a Hypnotic Trance in Your Life?

E209 There Are No Small Parts in Life, Just Small Actors

E208 What is the Difference Between Reactive and Proactive?

E207 F&E Encore: Practicing Resilience

E206 F&E Encore: Naughty Words and Being Yourself

E205 Expanding Your Consciousness with Travel

E204 Going with the Flow of Synchronicity

E203: F&E Encore: Don’t Resist Change, Evolve into a Better You

E202 F&E Encore: What Makes a Good Friend?

E201 Get Your Message Out There with Laurie-Ann Murabito

E200 F&E Encore Sustain Your Game with Alan Stein Jr.

E199 Giving Back from a Place of Potential with Loddie Foose

E198 Trying New Things Adds Spice to Your Life

E197 Psychedelics and Sacred Medicine with Carlos Casados

E196 Emotions in the Workplace

E195 F&E Encore: What Makes a Good Friend?

E194 F&E Encore: Are You Seeking Contentment or Excitement?

E193 Naughty Words and Being Yourself

E192 Emotional Intelligence with Robert Grossman

E191 Let’s Talk About Hair

E190 Are You Messy or Neat?

E189 F&E Encore: You Don’t Lose Weight Jumping to Conclusions

E188 F&E Encore: Leveling Up Your Listening

E187 It’s Your Story Not Your Situation

E186 Sustain Your Game with Alan Stein Jr.

E185 Mayonnaise and Ant Spray

E184 What’s Your Favorite Cartoon Character?

E183 Are You Wearing Socks?

E182 Are You Seeking Contentment or Excitement?

E181 Awakening Your Sense of Awe Through Magic with Mike Pisciotta

E180 What Was Your First Childhood Memory?

E179 What Did You Want to Be When You Grew Up?

E178 Active Listening and Asking Powerful Questions with Corey Blake

E177 What Makes a Good Friend?

E176 The Value of Knowing the Whole Story

E175 Why Are You Sick, Fat and Tired with Dr. Pat Boulogne

E174 Sometimes You Just Need a Little Break Before You Burnout

E173 The Great Resignation with Dennis Ford

E172 F&E Encore: Playing and Having Fun

E171 Coaching is Way Different than Therapy

E170 F&E Encore: Saboteurs and Challenges

E169 F&E Encore: Making Life Less Complicated

E168 Interior Design Tips with Megan Warren

E167 Be Your Own Hero with Corey Blake

E166 F&E Encore: Lessons from the Worst Speaker Ever

E165 You Don’t Lose Weight Jumping to Conclusions

E164 You’re Confusing What is Happening in Your Brain with Reality

E163 Life is Not a Transaction with Ally Edwards

E162 It’s A Practice, Not a Perfect with Holly Duckworth

E161 Getting to Know Your Alter-Ego Manager

E160 Change the World by Focusing on Relationships

E159 Fire and Earth Encore: How to Deal with COVID PTSD

E158 Encore: Feed Your Brain the Good Stuff

E157 Making Life Less Complicated

E156 Challenges are Gifts and Resilience with Hannibal

E155 Encore: The Energy of Money

E154 Encore: Saboteurs and Challenges

E153 Encore: Using More Senses in Our Visualizations

E152 Animal Communicating with Heike Adam

E151 Encore: Lessons from the Worst Speaker Ever

E150 Encore: Leadership is an Inside Out Game

E149 Social Selling Essentials with Phil Gerbyshak

E148 Making Audiences Happy All the Way to Cirque du Soleil with Ryan Schneider

E147 Encore: Responding Instead of Reacting

E146 Encore: Tapping into Ego States with Mike Mandel

E145 Stop Resistance to Change #2

E144 Stop Resistance to Change #1

E143 Embracing Your Quirks, Kinks and Fetishes with Miss Lila Sage

E142 Success Habits #3

E141 Success Habits #2

E140 Success Habits #1

E139 Trapeze is a Parallel for Life

E138 How to Be a Guest of Radio and Podcasts

E137 F&E Encore: The Energy of Money

E136 Playing and Having Fun

E135 Lessons from the Worst Speaker Ever

E134 Getting a Good Night Sleep

E133 Responding Instead of Reacting

E132 Encore: The Same Old Song and Dance, My Friend

E131 Leadership is an Inside Out Game

E130 Encore: Learning More in the Bar Than the Classroom

E129 Encore: The Energy of Money

E128 Magnifying Your Business with Alicia Cramer

E127 Stronger than Medicine with Dr Pat Boulogne

E126 Navigating the New New Normal

E125 Heart Energy Techniques and Awareness with Karen Stultz

E124 Bringing Values and Connection into Your Speaking with Nicole Garrett

E123 Encore: Building Rapport with Others and Yourself with Mike Mandel

E122 Encore: So You Want to Write a Book

E121 Helping Business Owners Have a Life Well Lived with Stacy Hylen

E120 The Energy of Money

E119 How to Deal with COVID PTSD

E118 Take a Vacation in Your Mind

E117 What’s On Your Desk #5

E116 Creating a Mindful Space at Work or Home

E115 Removing Subconscious Blocks with the Mind Whisperer Dawna Campbell

E114 Encore: Astrology Predictions for 2021 with Jeanne Mozier

E113 Encore: Laughing Every Day with Sarah Routman

E112 Handwriting Doesn’t Lie, Graphology with Mike Mandel

E111 Don’t I Know You???

E110 Make Choices, Don’t Just Decide

E109 Practicing Resilience

E108: Encore: The Breakfast of Champions is Your Morning Routine

E107 Tapping Into Your Inner Genius with Saba Hocek

E106 Leading in an Imperiled Industry During a Crisis with Alana Tillim

E105 What’s On Your Desk #4

E104 Astrology Predictions for 2021 with Jeanne Mozier

E103 Encore: Playing Cards to Work on Your Ego States

E102 Perception is Everything

E101 Dissociation and Mindfulness with Christine Forner

E100 Best Of: From Street Performer to Internationally Acclaimed Magician with Christopher Hannibal

E99 Creating the Space for Conscious Innovation with Mayumi Young

E98 Living with Intention with Sean Rosensteel

E97 Resolving Internal Conflict with Faye Lawand-Maclean

E96 Saboteurs and Challenges

E95 Adding Rocket Fuel to Your Business with Kimberly Hobsheid

E94 Modifying Your Communication Preference With Others

E93 Becoming a Mindful Wizard with Steven Rivera

E92 Best of: The Five Steps of Hypnosis with Karl Smith

E91 The Hero Method with Kathryn Gillett

E90 Improving Relationships with Self Love

E89 The Simple Business Method with Natasha Mitchell

E88 So You Want To Write A Book

E87 Best of: Getting Back On The Wagon When You Fall Off

E86 Laughing Every Day with Sarah Routman

E85 5 Steps to Unlocking Potential Through P.U.R.P.O.S.E. with Connie Benjamin

E84 The 4 Steps and Stages to Learning

E83 How to Pivot Your Business with Carla Cherry

E82 Escape

E81 From Street Performer to Internationally Acclaimed Magician with Christopher Hannibal

E80 Changing Your Habits to Accomplish Your Goals

E79 Intuitive Coaching with Terrie Huberman

E78 Using More Senses in Our Visualizations

E77 The Magic of Surrendering to Be Yourself with Eric Sharp

E76 The Five Steps of Hypnosis with Karl Smith

E75 How the Worst Day of My Life Turned into The Best Day of My Life with Karl Smith

E74 Grounding and Centering with a Morning Routine

E73 21 Days of Abundance

E72 Finding Opportunities to Change as We Shelter in Place

E71 Best of: Learning More in the Bar Than the Classroom

E70 Best of E35 Healing Ourselves to Become Whole, Perfect and Complete with Peter Bedard

E69 No Pills or Potions, Just Words with Freddy Jacquin

E68 Best of: Running from Chipmunks

E67 What’s On Your Desk #3

E66 Sensory Visualization

E65 Mind / Body Medicine

E64 Hypnotic Ho’oponopono with Mark Lakowske

E63 What’s On Your Desk? #2

E62 The Same Old Song and Dance, My Friend

E61 BE-ing Characteristics and Ego States

E60 What’s On Your Desk? #1

E59 Making the Right Choice for Your BestBeing

E58 Best of: Predictions for 2020 with Jeanne Mozier

E57 Building Rapport with Others and Yourself with Mike Mandel

E56 Playing Cards to Work on Your Ego States

E55 Learning More in the Bar Than the Classroom

E54 Making the Holidays Less Stressful

E53 Combining Yoga and Laughter to Reduce Stress with Brittney Hiller

E52 Leveling Up Your Listening

E51 Predictions for 2020 with Jeanne Mozier

E50 Lessons Learned from Another 25 Amazing Episodes

E49 Tapping into Ego States with Mike Mandel

E48 What Snow White Can Teach Us About Becoming a Better Self

E47 The Best Business Advice While Watching the Simpsons with Jason Linett

E46 Moving from Victim to Hero with Hallie Avolio

E45 Self Confidence through Self Defense with Terri Coffee McDuffie

E44 Using Self-Talk and Gratitude to Move You Forward

E43 Improving the Quality of the Candidate Experience with Kevin Grossman

E42 Navigating the Workplace Environment and Conflicts with Ragan Myers

E41 Cognitive Flexibility and Critical Thinking Helps Reduce Anxiety with Dr. Christina Donaldson

E40 How to Turn Your Pain into Your Gain with Peter Bedard

E39 Generous Acts of Selfishness to Accelerate your Dreams with Denise Soler Cox

E38 How to Use the Love Languages for Self Care

E37 How to Use Affirmations More Effectively

E36 Managing Emotions and Having Compassion for Yourself

E35 Healing Ourselves to Become Whole, Perfect and Complete with Peter Bedard

E34 Unlocking the Potential of Podcasts in Your Business with Brad Dalius

E33 Dealing with Negative People in Our Life

E32: The Breakfast of Champions is Your Morning Routine

E31: Getting Clarity on Your Top Values

E30: The Stories We Tell Ourselves with James Hazlerig

E29: You Must Choose … Yes or No … So Choose Wisely

E28: Take Smoke Breaks to Avoid Burnout

E27: Getting out of the Weeds that are Slowing You Down with Sara Caputo

E26: Lessons Learned from 25 Amazing Episodes

E25: Solving the Productivity Puzzle with Sara Caputo

E24: Getting Back on the Wagon When You Fall Off

E23: Communication Breakdown – How to Avoid It

E22: Predictions for 2019 and Beyond with Jeanne Mozier

E21: Don’t Resist Change, Evolve into a Better You

E20: What’s Written in the Stars, Planets and a Wall with Jeanne Mozier

E19: Creating a Positive Corporate Culture with Dennis Ford – Part 2

E18: Creating a Positive Corporate Culture with Dennis Ford – Part 1

E17: Leaping Ahead Your Journey using Brainspotting with Gregg Unterberger

E16: Put Some Magic in Your Life

E15: Unlocking the Power of Teams with Teresa Kwon

E14: Hypnosis is NOT A Circus Freak Show

E13: Gratitude Makes You Positive and Happy

E12: Feed Your Brain the Good Stuff

E11: Social Media: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly w/ Phil Gerbyshak

E10: Reducing Stress with Time Management

E9: Using Partnerships to Unlock Your Potential

E8: Using Social Media to Make Human Connections w Phil Gerbyshak

E7: Manifestations and the Law of Attraction with Victoria Gallagher

E6: The Masks We Wear

E5: Staying Positive During the Year from Hell

E4: Stress: Are You Running from Bears or Chipmunks?

E3: Breathe and Smell the Roses

E2: Moving Past Fear

E1: Goal Setting to Get Started
