Ep-73 Earth Element is More Than Trees, Rocks and Dirt

In this episode we discuss more about the element of earth and some ways you may not think about using the elements. Most people think of walking in the grass, digging in the dirt, hugging a tree, and/or using crystals, but it is so much more than that. Earth elements are all around us whether …

Ep-70 Difference Between Feeling and Sensing

Is that your intuition talking, or are you still in your head? In this episode we share some experiences and practical advice so see if what you are hearing or sensing is coming from the universe, or your subconscious brain. Are your answers rooted in fear? Do you have expectations or attachments of what you …

Ep-67 Crossing the Bridge and Initiations

Sometime you have to cross bridges on the spiritual path, and they are usually the crumbling or death defying rope bridges like you see in Lord of the Rings or Indiana Jones movies. In this episode we discuss crossing bridges, initiations into higher levels of being and states of consciousness, and how these relate to …

Ep-63 Seeing What Isn’t There, But Is

Artists start with a fresh canvas, mound of clay, or piece of marble and create something that is there that they can see already, when most just see nothing. In this episode we discuss how much of the world is an optical illusion and reality is distorted by one’s indoctrination and beliefs. Can you start …
