Ep-8 Balancing Energy By Practicing Ayni

Ayni is a funny sounding word that has a huge impact on your growth and evolvement. If you are struggling to manifest it could be that you are energetically out of alignment with the universe and it’s probably time to learn about and start practicing ayni. We discuss the differences between specific and general reciprocity …

Ep-7 Surrendering and Giving Up Control

Why is surrendering so important to your spiritual evolvement? We answer this and discuss why trying to hold onto the illusion of control actually blocks you off from the universe by keeping your monkey mind active, putting you in fear and anxiety by trying to white knuckle your way through life, and how it can …

Ep-6 Awareness in the Present Moment

What does awareness mean in spirituality? What is the importance of spiritual awareness and why should be spend time each day in the present moment? We answer these questions and so much more in this episode. Your emotional state and frequency are usually determine by whether you are spending time in the past, present, or …

Ep-5 An Attitude of Gratitude

Why is gratitude important to your spirituality? Where does gratitude fit in the spiritual life? How do you show gratitude spiritually? We answer these questions and so much more in this episode. Gratitude might be the ultimate spiritual practice, and it’s something that literally only takes a few seconds each day, but can have one …
