Ep-22 Getting Out of a State of Low Frequency

You’ve probably felt “low” at times. You aren’t depressed or sad, but you don’t really feel motivated either. Are you being lazy? Are you doing something wrong? How to you get back to high vibration and frequency? In this episode we share some of our own experiences when we’ve felt this way, how we get …

Ep-19 Your Relationship with Yourself

How do you know if you have a good relationship with yourself? Why your relationship with yourself is so important, and what does it have to do with spirituality? In this episode we discuss why your relationship with yourself is so important to your emotional and spiritual well-being and why being so hard on yourself …

Ep-18 Are You Copying or Creating?

“True growth is not growing inside of someone else’s system of values and beliefs… It is finding and discovering your own.” In this episode we take Jason’s first impression about the quote and discuss how true growth really happens when we stop copying others and start authentically creating as an artist… and we just may …

Ep-17 Is That Really What You Believe?

“True growth is not growing inside of someone else’s system of values and beliefs… It is finding and discovering your own.” In this episode we take Brad’s first impression about the quote and discuss how our indoctrination from childhood leads to the values and beliefs we often have now… many of which we may no …

Ep-12 Reconciling Your Profession with Your Spirituality

When you become spiritual does that mean you have to run away from your life or career and become a monk? Absolutely not, but there may be some things you will need to align. In this episode we talk about the importance of intention and how you can reconcile and align how you make money …
