- Where to Find Podcast EpisodesWe have stopped putting separate posts for each podcast episode on this website, and have stopped posting the episodes through podcast players. We are continuing to post all podcasts and videos on YouTube, which is where you can find them at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZmAAmW34QagUUtT5paHhIw
- EP-106 You Already Know the AnswerHave ever had a big life decision to make, but didn’t want to make it?Did you already know what to do, but were just afraid to do what you already knew? In this episode we discuss how we can come to our own answers in an authentic way, without copying others, but finding our own …
- Ep-105 The Master is Not a TeacherAre you looking for a spiritual master to give you the answers you seek?There will be many willing to give you a 10 step program to increasing your spirituality, but that is not how true spiritual masters work. In fact, they don’t even give you the answers or teach you in the way you may …
- Ep-104 Do No HarmAre you doing harm and don’t even realize it? On the spiritual path there are certain codes of conducts we should follow. In this episode we talk about Do No Harm, what it means and some practical applications of what it means in our personal and professional lives. Three little words that have some many …
- EP-103 Flipping People Off in the Church Parking LotAre you being consistent in how you act when you are “being spiritual” and in the rest of your life? Is how you treat people in your personal life and how you do business consistent with a spiritual person? In this episode we discuss how often we want to separate our spiritual life from the …
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- Ep-102 Observing the World Around UsIn this episode we share how turtles, foxes, and wind chimes led to a discussion about observing the world around us. It may seem strange, but this is actually a very deep spiritual practice that allows us to develop our intuitive skills and see the messages the universe is sending to us. Do you see …
- Ep-101 What is Spirituality? Two Years LaterOne of our first episodes we discussed what spirituality meant to each of us. After two years of doing the podcast and walking the path, we updated our discussion to what it means to each of us now. Going from something bigger and things external to us, to a more internal view looking at personal …
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- Ep-100 Are You Mind Full or Mindful?In this episode we pull a card as the basis for our discussion which was: MIND FULL, Group Think. Is your mind full or are you being mindful? What are you filling your mind and body with? Are you showing up empty, so you cup can be filled? This an so much more in this …
- Ep-99 Today for You, Tomorrow for MeDo you believe in true altruism? Is there really such a thing as selfless giving? In this episode we discuss the concept of ayni which means “today for you, tomorrow for me,” and show how as we move down the spiritual path and are consciously aware of our intention and energy behind giving and serving, …
- EP-97 From “Why Me” to SynchronicitiesAs a follow up to our last episode on fear, we discuss the trap many of us fall into with low vibrations feeling, emotions, and the encounters and experiences that we often allow ourselves to get triggered into the same old feelings and emotions. “Why me” keeps us trapped in the feelings and emotions, but …
- Ep-96 Coming Out of the ClosetAre you spiritual, but afraid of letting other people know? You are not alone! In fact, Brad and Jason felt that, and are still working through it themselves. In this episode, we discuss our path of coming out of the closet, especially coming from professions that expect people to be very 3D and logical, and …
- Ep-95 Getting Out of FearFear is a low vibration feeling and emotion. In this episode we discuss how to get out of fear and other low vibration feelings and emotions so you don’t get stuck in emotions, sometimes for years. Fear, anxiety, anger and just a few important feelings on our spiritual path, that we confront and push through …
- Ep-94 3D 9 to 5 Versus DharmaAlong the spiritual path one often starts to question one’s vocation. Why am I a lawyer, accountant, doctor, etc…? Should I give up everything and move to an ashram in Tibet? Does how I make my money need to be my dharma or bigger purpose here on earth? Do I need to become a coach, …
- E398 Elvis Has Left The BuildingPeople often resist change. Change of any kind, whether we perceive it as “good” or “bad.” One of life’s challenges is knowing when to preserve and when to change direction. If and when to cross the bridge, burn it down or take another path. In this episode we discuss navigating these changes, stepping into the …
- EP-93 The Law of ReflectivityYour world is shaped by the energy, frequency and vibration you give off. It’s like holding up a mirror because what you give off, you get. If people around you are sad, angry, or loving… chance are you are being sad, angry or loving. In this episode we discuss how we can change the world …
- E397 The Midlife Shift and Finding Myself with Mo IssaAre you in the rat race, want to get out and find yourself? Are you finding yourself at midlife and realizing you want a more fulfilling, authentic life? You are not alone. In this episode I talk with my friend Mo Issa who recently published his new book, “The Midlife Shift: How I Left The …
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- Ep-92 Two Birds of a Different FeatherIn this episode we discuss hummingbirds and vultures, two birds with different feathers, that are special animal guides and medicine for Brad and Jason. We share how we became aware of our connection with these beautiful winged ones, and what we are doing to increase our connections and work with these beautiful energies. The more …
- E396 It Has Nothing To Do With YouOne thing my mentor often says: “it has nothing to do with you.” In this episode, we explore what that means and how this saying can help us see where our energy is leaking, where we are getting pulled into drama, and how we are getting wet with what’s going on around us. Ultimately what …
- Ep-91 Is Killing Inherently Bad?We have talked before about changing our beliefs to withhold judgment of what is “good” and what is “bad,” and in this episode we take a provocative question as the basis for our discussion. Is killing the same as murder? Does one’s intention matter? What can we learn from taking a bigger perspective than just …
- E395 Under PressureIs pressure pushing down on you? Maybe it’s work. Maybe it’s a relationship. Maybe it what is going on in the world. Pressure over time leads to bringing buildings down, splitting families, putting people on the street, mental and physical health issues… and so much in between. If you are feeling pressure, in this episode …
- Ep-90 Knowing Yourself Better Through Your NameOne of the codes of conduct to follow spiritually is to “know thyself.” This concept show up in almost all ancient traditions and is one of our primary goals in this life. Remember who we really are. In this episode we share more about what our names mean, one way we have started to know …
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- Ep-89 An Attitude of GratitudeWhat would you do if the fortune cookie you open said “Wednesday will be the day to express gratitude for the blessings in your life?” If Wednesday happened to be the day we record new podcasts, we would dedicate one session to gratitude. In this episode we discuss how developing an attitude of gratitude can …
- E393 Sam and Bobby McGeeWhat does a poem about the Canadian gold rush and the song “Me and Bobby McGee” written by Kris Kristofferson (famously covered by Janis Joplin) have in common? The are both tales of journeys that we can learn a lot from. Self isolation, regret, carrying burdens, heartache, keeping our word, feeling good, and freedom… just …
- Ep-88 Being ImpeccableAre the things you think, say and do done with the highest standards of propriety? Are you being impeccable in your thoughts and actions? In this episode we discuss what impeccability means to us and some practical ways we can all be more impeccable each and every day. Following codes of conduct and universal laws …
- E392 We Can Be Heroes“We can be heroes for ever and ever, What d’you say?” David Bowie, Changes.Ever wonder why super hero movies are so popular? Maybe those movies and the song “Heroes” from David Bowie are trying to tell us something. In this episode we jump into both and discuss how heroes tend to be those we don’t …
- Ep-87 Taking a Path with Heart“A path without a heart is never enjoyable. You have to work hard even to take it. On the other hand, a path with heart is easy; it does not make you work at liking it.” ― Don Juan as quoted in, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge by Carlos Castaneda. …
- E391 Major Tom’s AshesWhat happened to Major Tom? We get some clues in Ashes to Ashes which is the topic of this #podcast episode. We discuss the writing of Space Oddity, feelings of isolation, the dangers of technology taking over, and other sordid details following. “My mother said, to get things done You’d better not mess with Major …
- Ep-86 Monkey Wrench“What have we done with innocence? It disappeared with time. It never made much sense” – Monkey Wrench by The Foo Fighters. In this episode we use this song and some of its lyrics to shape our discussion. “I’d rather leave than suffer this” and “I was always caged and now I’m free.” Sometimes on …
- E390 Ch-Ch-Changes“Time may change me, but I can’t trace time” David Bowie, Changes.Are you prepared to turn and face the strange changes in your life?Are you facing change and working through it, or ignoring it hoping it will go away?“The only constant in life is change,” said the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, and he is correct. In …
- Ep-85 Energy BubblesDid you know there is an energy bubble that surrounds your body? Just like the earth has an electro-magnetic field, you have an electro-magnetic field. In this episode we discuss the energy bubble around you, and how you can strengthen, protect, and clean your bubble. Everything is energy, and everything has energy… including you. MONTHLY …
- E389 Beethoven’s Wig and BolognaIs destiny knocking on your door? Did you know Beethoven’s wig is very big and Oscar Meyer sells bologna? In this episode we discuss the power of music in helping us to learn, remember, encapsulate memories, change our state of consciousness and emotions. Music is being used in movies, commercials and other forms to make …
- Ep-84 Embracing Changes on the PathThe only thing constant in life is change. When the going gets tough, the tough get going, and the weak quit. Spiritual hikers go through all kinds of changes on the path. In this episode we discuss some changes you will probably encounter and how to push through until the changes become familiar and how …
- Persevere or Change Direction?One of the hardest questions to answer is: do I keep persevering or is it time to change direction? In this episode we share some questions you can ask yourself and share experiences from our lives on how we knew what to do. Changing direction doesn’t mean you are quitting, it’s just another in a …
- E388 Leadership is Overrated with Chris MeffordA lot has changed since the late 19th century, so why are we still using the same leadership model? 70-80% of employees hate their boss, which means something needs to change in how we view and develop leaders. And, since disengaged employees only give about 15% in productivity, image how your organization could change and …
Continue reading “E388 Leadership is Overrated with Chris Mefford”
- Ep-83 What It Feels Like to Feel EnergyWhat does it feel like to feel energy? Energy is all around us: behind the words and actions of people, places, things, animals, etc… Everything is energy and everything has energy. In this episode we share some of the ways we feel energy including: the way we may feel physically, ascension flu symptoms, our emotions, …
- The Divine Masculine in RelationshipsMuch of what the world teaches about the roles in relationships is twisted and doesn’t account for the divine feminine and masculine. We all have feminine and masculine characteristics and when these energies are balanced in an any relationship it can flourish. So many relationships issues are a result of the yin / yang energy …
- E387 Sam McGee and Walking the Streets AloneThere is power in poetry. You may not know it, but I am a poet and love poetry. In this episode we discuss how music is poetry sung to particular frequency and how poetry and music can be used to help us learn, remember, and change our state of consciousness and emotions. I share one …
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- Ep-82 Take a Breath and GroundSometime you just need to take a big breath, touch the ground, eat or drink something, or do something else you feel inspired to do. There are many ways to clear energy and ground yourself that we share in this episode. Different practices may be more effective for you, and in this episode we discuss …
- The Divine Feminine in RelationshipsMuch of what the world teaches about the roles in relationships is twisted and doesn’t account for the divine feminine and masculine. We all have feminine and masculine characteristics and when these energies are balanced in an any relationship it can flourish. So many relationships issues are a result of the yin / yang energy …
- E386 Let All the Children Boogie“There’s a starman, waiting in the skyHe’d like to come and see us,But he thinks he’d blow our minds…” (David Bowie, Starman) In this #podcast episode we talk about the #music of #davidbowie and the phase of Ziggy Stardust and the space connection. There is a reason why David Bowie used the Ziggy Stardust alter …
- Ep-81 The Energy of Your EnvironmentEverything has energy, and everything is energy.The clothes you wear, the music you listen to, the light around you, the food you eat, the people you chose to be around, and so much more, all have an impact on your #energy. In this #podcast we discuss this and how you can start to place more …
- The Egg and Our Evolvement“Every time you victimized someone,” I said, “you were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness you’ve done, you’ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by you.” – excerpt from “The Egg” by Andy Weir In this #podcast episode we discuss the concepts discussed …
- E385 Can’t Get No Satisfaction“Can’t get no satisfaction” or “are you feeling satisfied?”“Well come on all you people, the time has come together.You gotta have a little rock ‘n’ roll musicTo get you through the stormy weather.” (Boston, Feeling Satisfied) In this #podcast episode we discuss the #music of the #rollingstones and #boston and see how we all can …
- Ep-80 Why Get on the Spiritual Path?Are you on a spiritual path?What if you have been on a spiritual path the whole time, and just didn’t realize it? In this #podcast episode we discuss how we realized we were on the path and some things we are doing about spiders, rats, and ants that show how once you realize the path …
- FedEx DriverIf you were a FedEx driver to your customers or clients, what are you really delivering? In this episode we talk about what’s really behind whatever we do to make a living, and what’s behind how we really do everything in our life. What are you delivering?
- Ep-79 Parking Lot EncountersHave you ever had an experience that was just so weird or surreal that you were asking “did that just happen?” If you were with someone else, you may both look at each other and say the same thing. Well those sort of experiences happen often on the spiritual path and in this episode we …
- What’s In a Name?We all have a name, but what’s really in a name? Hear about no-name-baby Mefford and things about our names. Is your name really who you are? What does your name mean, and what does that tell you about yourself? This an so much more in this episode.
- Ep-78 Lessons Learned Creating The Spiritual Campfire™In this episode we share some lessons we both have learned as we created The Spiritual Campfire™. Sometimes words or phrases may keep coming to you. Sometimes you feel an urge to go a particular way, but need to wait until you know exactly what it means or the time is right. Sometimes you may …
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- Partly Cloudy with a Chance of PrecipitationOur emotions and moods are a lot like the weather. Some days it’s sunny. Some days it’s partly cloudy with a chance of precipitation. Some days it’s thunder, lightning, and flash floods. In this episode we discuss ways to be more aware and prepare for what’s likely to happen each day. That way you are …
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- EP-77 Lessons We’re Working On Now #1Everyone on the spiritual path is learning, and many of us are going through some of the same experiences and lessons. We share some of the lessons we are each learning at this time, and what we are learning and practical things we are doing. In this episode we discuss: withholding judgement, consistency, and trusting …
- Navigating the NarcissistAre you dealing with a narcissist? In this episode we explain how to identify if you are dealing with someone who is a narcissist, ways to look for patterns, how to engage and set boundaries, and how to have compassion for yourself knowing it really is them, not you that is the problem.
- E381 Folders, Scrunchers, and RollersDid you know there are many different ways to wipe your butt?As humans, we all have to go to the bathroom, but there are very different ways to “how” we do it, and none of them are right or wrong. One way to change our world view is to understand that most of the world …
- Embracing Change to Bust Burnout and Embrace Happiness with Jason MeffordInterview with Phil Gerbyshak and Jason Mefford. Jason Mefford is a recovering auditor and compliance rockstar turned consultant. He also is someone I know who embraces change like few others. Join me as I make him share his secrets to embracing change to bust burnout and embrace happiness.
- EP-76 Sensing Others Energy and IntentionsEP-76 Sensing Others Energy and Intentions Have you ever met someone and got an uneasy feeling, but don’t know why? Have you ever heard someone say something and think the energy behind their words don’t match? In this episode we discuss more about how you can start practicing sensing the energy of others and the …
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- Keeping Things SimpleKeeping things simple requires a lot less energy and effort. In this episode we discuss why most people prefer to make things complex, the traps in doing that, and how you can keep it simple. There is a lot of power in simple things.
- E380 Don’t Fence Me In“Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above; Don’t fence me in. Let me ride through the wide open country that I love; Don’t fence me in.” Those words in the song “Don’t Fence Me In” by Cole Porter and Robert Fletcher are beloved by many, and have been covered by the …
- Ep-75 The Work Nobody SeesThe most important work you can do is actually the work nobody sees you do. They may see the effect after time, but they don’t see your commitment and discipline in the little things you do each day that have such a big impact. In this episode we discuss some little things we do, share …
- Adapting to the Litter BoxWhy do we resist change? Why don’t we adapt as quickly as animals? In this episode we share stories to make a point and see how we can start adapting quickly, and see those opportunities when we need to adapt as the happy times when we are actually learning and growing. With the right perspective …
- E379 Crossing the Bridge and InitiationsSometime you have to cross bridges on the spiritual path, and they are usually the crumbling or death defying rope bridges like you see in Lord of the Rings or Indiana Jones movies. In this episode we discuss crossing bridges, initiations into higher levels of being and states of consciousness, and how these relate to …
- Ep-74 All Is OneEverything is connected, and everything is one… a small part of a bigger whole. In this episode we discuss ways to think about this, how to elevate our thinking to higher levels of the whole, and the intention and way in which we can progress from a place of survival and self preservation to one …
- What Are We Most Grateful For in Our Careers?Do you have a job, career or calling in how you earn money? What are you most grateful for in your career? In this episode we share what we are grateful for and more important than “what” you do is “why” and “how” you do things. And… you probably won’t guess what we are actually …
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- E378 Right Tool for the JobTo a hammer, everything looks like a nail. You may have a very good hammer. You may be a very good hammer, but is that the right tool for the job? Sometimes a fork is more appropriate than a spoon or knife… even if you are Shel Silverstein and eat your peas with honey on …
- Ep-73 Earth Element is More Than Trees, Rocks and DirtIn this episode we discuss more about the element of earth and some ways you may not think about using the elements. Most people think of walking in the grass, digging in the dirt, hugging a tree, and/or using crystals, but it is so much more than that. Earth elements are all around us whether …
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- Ep-72 Listening and Following GuidanceWe all need guidance, and that guidance can come from guides, angels, beings, animals, and people around us, just to name a few. Often we try to go it alone on our spiritual path because we are taught to be self-sufficient and “git ‘r done” by ourself. But as the old African proverb says: “If …
- Day Tripping Preparation and IntegrationIn this episode we discuss Kathy’s recent ketamine trip, how to prepare for a trip, integrating, and making sure one is safe during the process. Whether you choose to participate or not in entheogen use, the concept discussed are relevant for preparing and integrating any visionary quest or other experiences.
- Going Back HomeHome is never the same once you leave. Either you change, home changes or both change… and that is just part of the heroic journey. In this episode we discuss stories of our return home, what we learned, how to release past history and beliefs you are holding onto about your past, and how to …
- E377 Let the Sunshine OutEverything is created mentally before it appears in physical form. In this episode we discuss how we can use our mental and spiritual capacity to manifest into physical form through not doing… something more impactful than physical doing. So whether you want to create post-it notes, that perfect next business meeting, or visualizing world peace, …
- E376 Wash Your HandsHave you ever left a conversation feeling a little “icky” or dirty? Has someone made you feel inferior, questioned your integrity, shot anger your way, or triggered you in a way that makes you feel angry, shameful, depressed, etc…? In this episode we discuss physical and mental practices to clean up figurative “mud” thrown your …
- Ep-71 Walking to the Grocery StoreIn this episode we take a spiritual walk to the grocery store to discuss more about simple interactions we have and how they are part of our spiritual path. Was that an angel unaware? Why did I have a random thought to let someone go ahead of me in the checkout line? What is really …
- E375 Life Isn’t Math ClassIn math class you don’t have to just get the right answer, but you also have to show your work in solving the problem using the “correct” order and steps to get the answer. In the 3D world you are often told you have to follow a prescribed set of steps, but there are very …
- Ep-70 Difference Between Feeling and SensingIs that your intuition talking, or are you still in your head? In this episode we share some experiences and practical advice so see if what you are hearing or sensing is coming from the universe, or your subconscious brain. Are your answers rooted in fear? Do you have expectations or attachments of what you …
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- How Can I Appreciate Everyday Joys and Miracles?Joys and miracles happen every single day. Do you recognize when they are happening or are you focused more on the negative things? What if you started placing more awareness and attention on the little miracles and joys in your life? What if you started spending more time in the present moment enJOYing? In this …
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- Don’t Should On Yourself or OthersMost spend a lot of time “shoulding” on themselves and others. Do you use the word “should” and do you realize how often you say it? There is a lot of judgement and control in should. In this episode we dig into the reasons why we use the word should, why others may be using …
- E373 Reel to Reel is Living Rarity“Dreamin’, dreamin’ is free”… and we can all use a little more dreaming about what we really, authentically want in this life. Often I find myself just going through the motions of life and this song has been in my head the last week, so it’s a great topic for another Jamming with Jason episode, …
- Ep-68 Life Isn’t Math ClassIn math class you don’t have to just get the right answer, but you also have to show your work in solving the problem using the “correct” order and steps to get the answer. In the 3D world you are often told you have to follow a prescribed set of steps, but there are very …
- E372 Lessons on Fatherhood, Sacrifice, and Service with Brian AhearnEveryone has a father and a mother. How is your relationship with your parents? If you have children, what is your relationship with them? Would you like it to be a healthier, more loving relationship? In this episode I talk with my friend Brian Ahearn about this new book “His Story, My Story, Our Story,” …
Continue reading “E372 Lessons on Fatherhood, Sacrifice, and Service with Brian Ahearn”
- Ep-67 Crossing the Bridge and InitiationsSometime you have to cross bridges on the spiritual path, and they are usually the crumbling or death defying rope bridges like you see in Lord of the Rings or Indiana Jones movies. In this episode we discuss crossing bridges, initiations into higher levels of being and states of consciousness, and how these relate to …
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- Are You Hesitating?Are you hesitating in your life? Is there a big or small decision you need to make, but just feel stuck in freeze mode? In this episode we discuss reasons why we hesitate and how to determine whether to make a choice and move on, or take a little time. We share how you can …
- Ep-66 All I Need Is the Air That I Breathe“All I need is the air that I breathe… and to love you” The Hollies. There is a lot of layers of truth in that song lyric, and one reason we discuss the element of air in this episode. Without air for just a few minutes, and our physical body can’t survive, and without air …
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- Indulgences That Aren’t Really IndulgencesAre heated toilet seats, comfortable underwear, boots or clothing indulgences? In this episode we discuss what at first may seem to be indulgences, but are actually a way to show yourself love and put you in the right frame of mind and emotion. What are your indulgences and can you show yourself more love by …
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- Ep-65 The Value of LaughterMany on the spiritual path are very serious and somber worried they are doing something wrong. Is there room for laughter and having a good time? Much more than you may realize. We can either choose to see things in our life with humor of with ominousness (e.g. a funeral or a celebration of life). …
- Writing This Chapter of Your LifeWhat if you could start each day with a blank sheet of paper and write the story you want in your life? Would you write the same thing as yesterday? Would you make different choices? In this episode we discuss big and small changes in life that give us the opportunity to write the story …
- Ep-64 The Disowned SelfAre there parts of your that you see as flaws or shadows that you have been pushing down and not wanting to address? Maybe they are things you are ashamed that are part of you? Instead of looking away and ignoring, can we love it and bring light to what is in the shadows? Often …
- How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone TodayGetting out of your comfort zone isn’t just about doing adrenaline rush activities like sky diving, trapeze, or scuba diving, but can also be little things you choose to do differently each day. In this episode we discuss why getting out of your comfort zone is so important to your growth, and some simple, practical …
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- Ep-63 Seeing What Isn’t There, But IsArtists start with a fresh canvas, mound of clay, or piece of marble and create something that is there that they can see already, when most just see nothing. In this episode we discuss how much of the world is an optical illusion and reality is distorted by one’s indoctrination and beliefs. Can you start …
- How to Make DecisionsHow long does it take you to make a decision? Are you stuck where you are or settling for good, when you could have great if you made a different decision? Life is choice and in this episode we discuss some ways to make quicker decisions that are more in line with your higher self …
- E371 The Power of Company Culture with Chris DyerWe spend most of our day asleep and at work, so the culture and company we work for has a tremendous impact on our well-being. How has work changed in a hybrid environment? How can organizations, executives, and managers treat employee well-being as important as profits? How as an employee can you make choices to …
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- Ep-62 Spiritual TravelingHow do you travel spiritually? Where do you choose to go? How do you maintain your spiritual practices while traveling? How can you protect yourself while traveling away from home? This and so much more in this episode where we get practical about how important travel can be for your spiritual development as you are …
- Relinquishing Control and Asking For HelpDo you try to control everything and rarely ask for help? It can be exhausting and use a lot of energy. In this episode we share some ways we have recently given up control, and how relinquishing control can make you lighter and happier, as if someone just removed a great weight off your back.
- E370 Is That Really What You Believe?“True growth is not growing inside of someone else’s system of values and beliefs… It is finding and discovering your own.” In this episode we take Brad’s first impression about the quote and discuss how our indoctrination from childhood leads to the values and beliefs we often have now… many of which we may no …
- Ep-61 Your Spirituality and Your PartnerOne challenge many find on the spiritual path is the changing relationship with their partner. As they change their partner may or may not change or be supportive. Do you stay in the relationship or leave? Do you make compromises for the sake of the relationship? Should you work to salvage your relationship or is …
- E369 What Is Spirituality?What is spirituality? How do you explain it and what does it look like for you? Each person has a different idea and so we share how we think about it, and how you can decide what it means for you. There are many different spiritual paths, modalities, and practices so it’s important to find …
- Ep-60 The Element of Water and Getting WetDid you know there are four basic elements discussed in most spiritual traditions? In this episode we discuss the element of water in several ways: the physical benefits of water, what it does for our body in moving energy, how to make your water holy, not all water is created equal, some things to consider …
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- E368 Expressing Gratitude for a Roof Over Your HeadYou are probably grateful to have a roof over your head, but how do you express it? There are several ways to express gratitude that we discuss in this episode, and some of them you probably never even considered… and we aren’t just talking about houses. SUPPORT THE PODCAST:https://anchor.fm/jammingwithjason/support DO YOU LOVE MUSIC LIKE ME?If …
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- Ep-59 Staying Clean and Dry from What Others Are SpewingMany people spew and spit their opinions, and send out negative and low vibration emotions like they are spraying water, getting everyone around them wet. On your path sometimes you need to audit who you are spending time with, and have a plan to bring a rain coat or cup to protect yourself. “If you …
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- E367 Duck, Duck, Dog and Shaking Things OffHave you ever watched ducks fight and then shake their feathers? Have you ever watched a dog shakes themselves? Wonder why? In this episode we discuss how we can literally shake off things just like the animals, and avoid the risk of experiences and situations getting stuck in our bodies. Taking cues from the animals …
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- EP-58 Sharing Stories and LessonsThere is profound power in sharing your stories and lessons with others. In this episode we discuss how one benefits from sharing, and how others also grow and benefit from it. Besides helping others feel accepted, teaching, showing our true self, it is also a key part of the heroic journey that many people forget. …
- E366 The Land of White BreadDo you eat bread, or are you gluten-free?Bread, one of the staples of life that people have been eating for millions of year, but it gets a bad rap in our culture. Maybe the problem isn’t bread, maybe it’s the bread you are eating. In this video I discuss bread, why?… you may not realize …
- Ep-57 The Element of FireDid you know there are four basic elements discussed in most spiritual traditions? Most people focus mainly on earth, but what about the other elements of air, water, and fire? In this episode we discuss the element of fire, what it is, and how you can incorporate it more into your daily and weekly practices. …
- Money, Money, Money… MoneyMost people have a poor relationship with money. It is often one the greatest stresses and obsessions. How can we think about money differently is valuing what we are worth? How can we do business differently? What’s the difference between being rich and wealthy? This an so much more in this #podcast episode on #money.