Videos Add New Row Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element VIDEOS [headline style="1" font_color="%231F669C" align="center" headline_tag="h1"]VIDEOS[/headline] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element Subscribe to Jason’s YouTube Channel [headline style="1" font_color="%231F669C" align="center" headline_tag="h4"]Subscribe to Jason's YouTube Channel[/headline] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element to see all of his videos [headline style="1" font_color="%231F669C" align="center" headline_tag="h4"]to see all of his videos[/headline] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element [custom_html] [/custom_html] [custom_html]<center> <script src=""></script> <div class="g-ytsubscribe" data-channel="jasonleemefford" data-layout="default" data-count="default"></div> </center>[/custom_html] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element — SPACER — [vertical_spacing height="20"] Add Element Add New Row Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element — SPACER — [vertical_spacing height="30"] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element Jason Mefford’s experience receiving a Quilly Award, as a best-selling author from the National Association of Best-Selling Authors. [headline style="1" font_color="%231F669C" align="center" headline_tag="h3"]Jason Mefford's experience receiving a Quilly Award, as a best-selling author from the National Association of Best-Selling Authors.[/headline] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element — SPACER — [vertical_spacing height="30"] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element [video_player type="youtube" width="853" height="480" align="center" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="20"]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1NR2xESWxOeVlaYw==[/video_player] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element — SPACER — [vertical_spacing height="30"] Add Element Add New Row Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element Individual Inspiration: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Speech given at the 2016 Thought Leader Summit in Hollywood, CA [headline style="1" font_color="%231F669C" align="center" headline_tag="h3"]Individual Inspiration: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Speech given at the 2016 Thought Leader Summit in Hollywood, CA[/headline] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element — SPACER — [vertical_spacing height="30"] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element [video_player type="youtube" width="853" height="480" align="center" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="20"]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj16SjZuSWpOX0xXSQ==[/video_player] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element — SPACER — [vertical_spacing height="30"] Add Element Add New Row Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element Jason Mefford discusses Principled Performance® on the Brian Tracy TV Show. [headline style="1" font_color="%231F669C" align="center" headline_tag="h3"]Jason Mefford discusses Principled Performance® on the Brian Tracy TV Show.[/headline] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element — SPACER — [vertical_spacing height="30"] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element [video_player type="youtube" style="1" dimensions="560×315" width="853" height="480" align="center" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="20" ipad_color="black"]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1QQ2JqVHhQbGRjQSZ0PTg1cw==[/video_player] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element — SPACER — [vertical_spacing height="30"] Add Element Add New Row Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element — SPACER — [vertical_spacing height="30"] Add Element