VIP On The Road Again, Flying A Freak Flag

I’m going to keep it brief this week, since what I wanted to share with you is the same information in the BEing Uniquely YOU article this week on “Let Your Freak Flag Fly”

Read the article and watch the associated video at:

And, as always here’s the Jamming with Jason episodes that dropped this last week:

E249 On the Road Again Howling

I recently took a road trip to northern California which is the inspiration for creating this #jammingwithjason #podcast. What do #WillieNelson, #JackKerouac, #AllenGinsberg, #RogerMiller, Ivan Fleming, #GraceSlick, #BobDylan and Siri have in common? Listen to this entire episode and you will find out, and you will be howling with laughter on your road trip through life.

E250 Let Your Freak Flag Fly

I’ve been thinking a lot about flags recently, so here’s a whole #jammingwithjason #podcast episode. Flags are a way to let others know who we are and what we stand for. We might fly a flag of our favorite sports team, our country, etc… as an example (maybe even a pirate flag, arghhh 🙂).

Most people are afraid to proudly share with the world who they really are, since others may judge us, but the reality is… we are all a little different, unique, quirky, freaky in our own way. That is what makes us interesting and truly loved by those who really know us.

Listen in as we discuss flags, ice cream, and so much more in this episode.
