Have you ever felt like something needs to change in your life or you will die? Most people feel this way at some point in their life.

And in this episode we have the opportunity to hear from MisT Magdalena Grace and how she changed her life with plant medicine and spirituality.

She felt something wasn’t quite right…..the money she made wasn’t worth it. She felt so lost, dazed/confused. Her marriage was falling apart, she was 30 lbs over weight, and had become a binge drinking workaholic who felt like she had to wear a mask to “succeed,” but had lost her own definition of “success.”

Sound familiar?

Listen to how she healed her grief, drama, and addiction.

Misty Magdalena Grace (aka Lois Koffi) is a Microdosing Coach & Plant Medicine Woman that consciousness seekers hire to heal grief/trauma/addiction with & without sacred plant medicine. Connect with her on social media and at: https://microdosingforhealth.now.site/home
