In this episode we discuss Kathy’s recent ketamine trip, how to prepare for a trip, integrating, and making sure one is safe during the process. Whether you choose to participate or not in entheogen use, the concept discussed are relevant for preparing and integrating any visionary quest or other experiences.
Tag Archives: limitless potential
Going Back Home
Home is never the same once you leave. Either you change, home changes or both change… and that is just part of the heroic journey. In this episode we discuss stories of our return home, what we learned, how to release past history and beliefs you are holding onto about your past, and how to …
How Can I Appreciate Everyday Joys and Miracles?
Joys and miracles happen every single day. Do you recognize when they are happening or are you focused more on the negative things? What if you started placing more awareness and attention on the little miracles and joys in your life? What if you started spending more time in the present moment enJOYing? In this …
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Don’t Should On Yourself or Others
Most spend a lot of time “shoulding” on themselves and others. Do you use the word “should” and do you realize how often you say it? There is a lot of judgement and control in should. In this episode we dig into the reasons why we use the word should, why others may be using …
Are You Hesitating?
Are you hesitating in your life? Is there a big or small decision you need to make, but just feel stuck in freeze mode? In this episode we discuss reasons why we hesitate and how to determine whether to make a choice and move on, or take a little time. We share how you can …
Indulgences That Aren’t Really Indulgences
Are heated toilet seats, comfortable underwear, boots or clothing indulgences? In this episode we discuss what at first may seem to be indulgences, but are actually a way to show yourself love and put you in the right frame of mind and emotion. What are your indulgences and can you show yourself more love by …
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Writing This Chapter of Your Life
What if you could start each day with a blank sheet of paper and write the story you want in your life? Would you write the same thing as yesterday? Would you make different choices? In this episode we discuss big and small changes in life that give us the opportunity to write the story …
How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone Today
Getting out of your comfort zone isn’t just about doing adrenaline rush activities like sky diving, trapeze, or scuba diving, but can also be little things you choose to do differently each day. In this episode we discuss why getting out of your comfort zone is so important to your growth, and some simple, practical …
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How to Make Decisions
How long does it take you to make a decision? Are you stuck where you are or settling for good, when you could have great if you made a different decision? Life is choice and in this episode we discuss some ways to make quicker decisions that are more in line with your higher self …
Relinquishing Control and Asking For Help
Do you try to control everything and rarely ask for help? It can be exhausting and use a lot of energy. In this episode we share some ways we have recently given up control, and how relinquishing control can make you lighter and happier, as if someone just removed a great weight off your back.