What Was Your First Childhood Memory?

Like last week’s episode we are going to tap into our childhood selves and delve into our first memories! Just like what we wanted to be when we grew up shapes who we become, our first moments do exactly the same.Kathy and Jason share with us all what those moments were for them, and we …

What Did You Want to Be When You Grew Up?

Today we discuss what we were like as children and how those older dreams and ideas helped to shape the people that we became.We all may not have become exactly what we thought we would, but regardless of that outcome, there are probably many ways in which those experiences shaped you just as it had …

Active Listening and Asking Powerful Questions with Corey Blake

When people talk, do you actively listen without judgement? Are you asking questions because you are curious? We are excited to have Corey Blake back with us to discuss how those two things can really make a huge difference in your relationships and your own growth. As with all #fireandearthpodcast episodes we go some places …

What Makes a Good Friend?

In today’s episode we discuss the best qualities and traits that make for a good friend. We have a lot of acquaintances in life, but the friends that we have are the people that surpass that level in our social lives. So who are these friends, and what makes them different from the other people …

The Value of Knowing the Whole Story

Have you ever had a situation where something made you mad immediately after hearing about it, when only moments later after some explanation you ended up changing your mind about it?Well you’re not alone! Back story can be just as (if not more) important than the current information you are being presented with, and in …

Why Are You Sick, Fat and Tired with Dr. Pat Boulogne

Today we have Dr. Pat Boulogne on the show to talk with us about some additions to her book: “Why Are You Sick, Fat and Tired?”, and to discuss with us why she came out of retirement to continue helping other people improve their lives. With a background in chiropractic medicine, lifestyle medicine, rehabilitation, nutrition …

Sometimes You Just Need a Little Break Before You Burnout

Have you ever found yourself feeling as if you’re constantly busy, and despite this continuing to say yes to opportunities where maybe you should be saying no?Well sometimes a lot of us can ascribe our own self worth or importance to how busy we are.In today’s episode we discuss how it can be very easy …

The Great Resignation with Dennis Ford

In 2021 50 MILLION people left their jobs under their own volition. One of the largest movements of employees in the history of the U.S.With 87% of the U.S. workforce claiming that they are unengaged and unhappy with their work situation, it is no surprise that we have seen so many resignations over the course …

Interior Design Tips with Megan Warren

A lot of positive energy can come from the layout and details of the home you live in.Interior designers specialize in making a house a home and today we have one of these specialists here to speak with us! In today’s episode we meet with Megan Warren, who is here to discuss interior design, why …

Be Your Own Hero with Corey Blake

We all love a good hero’s journey story… in fact the movies and books you love are typically based on this story type, and who doesn’t love a good hero. You may be afraid to share your authentic story from your heart because you are scared your vulnerability will lead to judgement. But, what if …
