Fire & Earth Podcast: E5 Staying Positive During the Year from Hell

Do you ever feel like you are just having a “year from hell?” You know one of those Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Years. We all have good days and bad days, but what do we do when it feels like the bad seems to stretch over the course of whole year? How do …

Fire & Earth Podcast: E4 Stress: Are You Running from Bears or Chipmunks?

Stress is a threat … real or imagined. It’s a perception that demands will exceed our resources that causes stress, anxiety, and freaks us out. Usually the perceived threat doesn’t require a major chemical and biological response … like we need when running from a bear. Running from stress to stress during the day feels …

Fire & Earth Podcast: E3 Breathe and Smell the Roses

In our 24/7 world we can get so busy being busy that we run ourselves ragged and feel worn out … the equivalent of our body’s battery running on <20% (red-light warning). When this happens we need to STOP, pause and take a few minutes for self-care – breathe, smell the roses, meditate, etc… to …

Fire & Earth Podcast: E2 Moving Past Fear

Instead of living in fear and missing out on life by holding back, learn how you can overcome False Expectations Appearing Real (FEAR). When you move forward and face your fears you will feel the exhilaration of accomplishment. You will even surprise yourself with what you can accomplish and unlock your potential.

Fire & Earth Podcast: E1 Goal Setting to Get Started

The first step to unlocking your potential is to know where you want to go, why you want to go there, and set some big goals to start achieving. Without goals, we just stay in the daily grind, surviving, but not thriving. In this episode, Kathy and Jason discuss some keys for setting and achieving …
