VIP You can’t get this from reading a book

I’ve heard it takes 10,000 hours of practice to make you an expert. That’s a lot of time. In fact it’s so much time that people often throw their hands up in the air and don’t even try. But actually with some ninja tricks, you can do it in much less time, since after all …

VIP Are echo chambers creating leadership blind spots?

As a leader, you may have some blind spots you aren’t even aware of … that’s why they are called blind spots. A big one that holds most leaders back and really limits your effectiveness as a leader are echo chambers. Are you living in any echo chambers? If you are like most people the …

VIP When you speak, do people listen??

Have you noticed there is just something different about certain people? When they walk into the room, people notice. When they speak, people listen. “It is executive presence — and no man or woman attains a top job, lands an extraordinary deal, or develops a significant following without this heady combination of confidence, poise, and …

VIP A Little Extra Effort Can Make All the Difference

Most people do just enough to get by … and end up having an average life, but what can you achieve with just a little bit of extra effort? A whole lot more than you might expect. The fact that you are reading this email means you don’t want to settle for just average. And …

VIP Any Difficult People in Your Life???

If you are like most internal audit leaders, you have a lot of people you need to deal with on a daily and weekly basis, that may be a little “difficult.” It can not only be exhausting, but if we don’t handle things correctly it can negatively affect your relationship with that person and ultimately …

VIP Would you like to “jam” with me??

I play the guitar and one thing I love to do is “jam” with other musicians. That’s why I call my podcast “Jamming with Jason” It’s a combination of me interviewing people, and me just hanging out and jamming with you one-on-one as if we are having a conversation. Did you know I had a …

Mefford CIA Review Course

Eliminate Test AnxietyIncrease Your ConfidencePass in 90-Days or Less Pass Each CIA Exam the First Time! Guaranteed Results! Video-Based Learning So You Don’t Have to Read Another Boring, Confusing Book or Waste Your Time with Practice Questions. Proven, Effective Study Method So You Can Quit Wasting Your Time Studying, Eliminate Anxiety, Pass the Exams, Get …

Risk Based Internal Auditing Book

This simple and easy-to-read guide will show you how to align the annual audit plan, and corresponding audit projects and efforts, with the objectives of the organization. This book provides answers and practical how-to information to help internal audit activities take that next step in their evolution to being risk-based internal audit profession. It is …
