E12: The Big 3 Certifications and Developing a Personal Learning Development Plans with Karl Stingily

Certifications are an important part of developing one’s career, but you need to focus on the right certifications and learning. We’ll discuss the Big-3 certifications (the ones internal auditors should have) and how to make informed decisions about the training and learning needs to move your career forward. Hint: it’s not about just getting alphabet …

E11: Making the Shift to Agile Auditing with Rick Wright

Moving to an agile internal audit approach is a big shift in mindset. It is not just performing audits in a more nimble or lean way. It is about using agile methodologies to transform the whole audit process. This method produces a more collaborative approach with the audit client, a more self-managed team mentality, and …

E10: Adding More Value and Becoming a Trusted Advisor by Bucking Tradition with Dan Clark

Internal audit has established some great traditions over the years. As Tevye, the character from Fiddler on the Roof said: “Traditions, traditions. Without our traditions our lives would be as shaky as… as a fiddler on the roof!” Later; however, Tevye realizes, “our old ways were once new, weren’t they?” We have to be willing …

E9: Right-Sizing Internal Audit – Benchmarking is Barking Up the Wrong Tree

Most Chief Audit Executives (CAEs) struggle with justifying the level of internal audit resources. When internal audit is viewed by stakeholders as a “cost center” this is an annual challenge justifying headcount and annual budgets, especially when the organization is in cost-cutting mode. Many in the profession advocate using benchmarking as a way to “right …

E8: Moving from a CPE Mindset to Lifelong Learning

Many professionals get caught in a CPE mindset when it comes to professional development. A CPE mindset will not get you promotions or new positions. In the knowledge revolution, we have to become lifelong learners – those concerned with learning and growing each day, week, and month – not just completing hours of random CPE …

E7: Ineffective Controls – Case Study from a Large Bank

As auditors we audit the effectiveness of controls and make recommendations for improving controls. If we are not careful, what we may actually do is recommend ineffective controls or try to over control our organizations, effectively strangling the organization and making it more difficult to achieve objectives. Here’s a case study showing some ineffective and …

E6: The Future of Internal Audit and an Update to Sawyer’s Internal Auditing with Dan Clayton

Jason Mefford is joined by Dan Clayton, for a discussion of how internal audit is evolving and changing, driving some of the updates to Sawyer’s Internal Auditing, 7th edition. Information in the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF), the Internal Audit textbook, and CIA Review Course materials, provide a basis for how to practice internal auditing, …

E5: Companies Lag on Improving Risk Management and Climbing El Capitan with Joe McCafferty

A recently released study from the AICPA and NC State show that despite the constant drumbeat for improving and formalizing risk management processes, most organizations are still way behind in their efforts. When 60% agree the volume and complexity or risk have changed extensively over the last five years, and 65% of boards are call …

E4: Internal Audit Must Embrace Change, or Sink Like a Stone

I spent the last several months interviewing many chief audit executives (CAEs) from all over the world to gain a better understanding of the current state of internal audit. What I found is that not only is the pace of change accelerating at an alarming rate, but along with the mounting challenges come plenty of …

E3: Creating a Support Network and Some Werewolves in London

When we try to go through this thing called life and our career alone, the road is hard and usually full of landmines. It’s better to admit we need help and create or join a group that can be a support network and group of advisors before the stress and pressures from work spill over …
