VIP Get Rid of Fear and Self Doubt

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On a scale of 1-10, how confident do you really feel?

Do you have any fear or self doubt that creeps into your head?

Now be REALLY honest with yourself, because if you are like most people you’re probably gave yourself a higher score than reality. You should probably move it down a couple of numbers.


Because about 80% of people feel like a fraud or an imposter, and cognitive biases lead us to believe we are doing better than others.

We are afraid people will find out that we don’t know as much as we think they think we know (say that fast 5 times :), and that scares us. You are probably scared that people will find out you don’t know as much as you do, and will reject you as a person.

Fear of judgement, and fear of exclusion are two of the fears almost everyone deals with each day of their life.

I understand. I feel the same way often, and so do a lot of the people who you think “have their shit together.”

In fact, most of the successful people you see around you every day, or look up to, live every day in fear and self doubt. I take comfort in knowing that even Sir Paul McCartney (yes, the Beatle) is worried people won’t like him.

It’s OK to admit it, and it’s OK to do something to fix it.

I recorded a recent podcast episode with my friend Ashrita Tiwari on “Clearing Subconscious Fears and Self Doubt.” In it she shares you can work on our own self conscious tendencies in order to help make more positive changes in your life, and get rid of self doubt.

Wouldn’t you rather feel confident instead of doubtful anyway? Here’s how.

You can always listen on any podcast player, but wouldn’t you like to also see the video?

Here’s the link on YouTube:

So if you feel fear and self doubt and want to change, reply back to this email and let me know, and then listen to the episode.

There are probably some tips in this podcast episode, and some tools I share with people, that will help you get rid of fear and self doubt.

Get a VIP backstage pass and behind the scenes information when you join the VIP Lounge with Jason Mefford:

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