Ep-90 Knowing Yourself Better Through Your Name

One of the codes of conduct to follow spiritually is to “know thyself.” This concept show up in almost all ancient traditions and is one of our primary goals in this life. Remember who we really are. In this episode we share more about what our names mean, one way we have started to know …

E393 Sam and Bobby McGee

What does a poem about the Canadian gold rush and the song “Me and Bobby McGee” written by Kris Kristofferson (famously covered by Janis Joplin) have in common? The are both tales of journeys that we can learn a lot from. Self isolation, regret, carrying burdens, heartache, keeping our word, feeling good, and freedom… just …

E392 We Can Be Heroes

“We can be heroes for ever and ever, What d’you say?” David Bowie, Changes.Ever wonder why super hero movies are so popular? Maybe those movies and the song “Heroes” from David Bowie are trying to tell us something. In this episode we jump into both and discuss how heroes tend to be those we don’t …

E390 Ch-Ch-Changes

“Time may change me, but I can’t trace time” David Bowie, Changes.Are you prepared to turn and face the strange changes in your life?Are you facing change and working through it, or ignoring it hoping it will go away?“The only constant in life is change,” said the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, and he is correct. In …
