VIP Secrets to Confidence and Success

What makes some people so confident and successful, while others struggle and are frustrated? Is it what they do? Can’t be that or else why can two different people do the same thing, but get different results? Research says it’s the habits they practice, in fact all successful people practice some of the same habits. …

Internal Audit Has a Bad Reputation

Internal audit has a bad reputation. And… unlike Joan Jett’s great song, this is a bad reputation you should give a damn about. I understand if you don’t believe me, in fact don’t believe me, just read this, answer the questions below, watch the videos and then let me know if you agree or think …

VIP How Confident are you Right Now?

How confident are you right now? If you’re like most people this last 18 months have probably caused you to question that from time to time. You get left out of meetings, don’t get asked your opinion as often, and that can lead to you questioning your competency. I understand. We all have times when …

VIP Cognitive Biases are Hurting You

Cognitive biases are hurting you Mistakes from some of the largest companies in the world on return to the office is costing billions of dollars, and most of it as a result of the same thing… cognitive biases of their executive leadership. If cognitive biases can affect the largest organization in the world, can they …

VIP Mindfulness is KEY to Leadership

You’ve probably heard the term “mindfulness” but does it have any place in corporate leadership?? Isn’t mindfulness just a hyppie-dippie term that is a “weak” way to lead? Research shows it’s actually the most effective long-term approach. In fact, top organizations all around the world are starting to embrace the concept, so this week I’m …

VIP Leadership Comes from the Inside Out

What’s the difference between a third-world country dictator and a traditional leader in the corporate world? Find the answer at: Bad joke, but serious message. Dictators use fear and violence to get people to do what they want. Most corporate leaders are taught to use fear and punishment, and have a command and control, …

VIP These two words have a big impact on your communication effectiveness

The two little words: “and” and “but” seem similar, but there are actually some very different times when you will want to use either one or the other to be effective as a leader and a communicator… and when you get it wrong there can be some painful repercussions. Literally an errant “but” could land …

VIP Are You an Inclusive Leader??

You might think you are inclusive and open minded, but how inclusive are you really? We tend to gravitate to people that are like us (it’s just human nature) but being more inclusive in all ways really does enrich our lives and creates stronger teams. With business entering the digital world, we need to start …

VIP There is a lot of power in music.

How many times have you felt your emotions swell up when you watched a movie? Whether you realize it or not, your subconscious brain is picking up on the music in the background of movies that helps you feel certain emotions and take you along in the story. Sad parts of a movie usually have …
