VIP Keeping it simple is so much easier and less stressful

I’ve always loved the saying “keep it simple.” Too often we are our own worst enemies by making things much more complex and complicated than necessary… and that usually leads to unnecessary stress. Have you ever been guilty of doing that? I know I have. Over the years I’ve created hundreds of blog posts, hundreds …

VIP Leadership is not about controlling others, it’s about relationships

You may have heard me say leadership is all relationships, right? Well, successful leaders know it really does all boil down to relationships, and leading from the inside out. What does that mean? Most people think leadership is about the way you dress, the title you have, but that is an old, broken model taught …

VIP Shocking News from the World Economic Forum

This last week’s Jamming with Jason episode was a barn burner. The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Survey, has some pretty alarming information you should be aware of. Due to the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, certain professions are at a significantly higher risk of being outsourced to computers. What that means for …

VIP Improving Work / Life Integration

We’ve talked about “work / life balance” for quite a while, but most people still struggle. Can you relate? It’s actually impossible to “balance” the two, since that word usually means equal or 50/50ish (btw that’s a technical term I just made up :). But seriously, it’s about integrating the two. The old fallacy that …

VIP One of Warren Buffet’s Keys to Success

I probably don’t need to tell you who Warren Buffet is (no he’s not related to Jimmy Buffet) and is probably the most successful investor of all time, and one of the richest people in the world. He’s wicked smart: University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School of Business), University of Nebraska, and Columbia Business School where …

VIP You can’t get this from reading a book

I’ve heard it takes 10,000 hours of practice to make you an expert. That’s a lot of time. In fact it’s so much time that people often throw their hands up in the air and don’t even try. But actually with some ninja tricks, you can do it in much less time, since after all …

VIP Are echo chambers creating leadership blind spots?

As a leader, you may have some blind spots you aren’t even aware of … that’s why they are called blind spots. A big one that holds most leaders back and really limits your effectiveness as a leader are echo chambers. Are you living in any echo chambers? If you are like most people the …

VIP When you speak, do people listen??

Have you noticed there is just something different about certain people? When they walk into the room, people notice. When they speak, people listen. “It is executive presence — and no man or woman attains a top job, lands an extraordinary deal, or develops a significant following without this heady combination of confidence, poise, and …

VIP A Little Extra Effort Can Make All the Difference

Most people do just enough to get by … and end up having an average life, but what can you achieve with just a little bit of extra effort? A whole lot more than you might expect. The fact that you are reading this email means you don’t want to settle for just average. And …
