Fire & Earth Podcast: E11 Social Media: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly w/ Phil Gerbyshak

Technology has afforded us with a powerful tool in #socialmedia. It can be used for good, bad, and some downright ugly purposes. People can fall easily into comparison traps, judging others, technology addiction, and even bullying without even realizing it. We can use social media as a force for good by sharing our joy, positivity, …

Fire & Earth Podcast: E10 Reducing Stress with Time Management

The level of stress felt by people has increased dramatically in the last few years. There are many reasons for this … but are your ready for a big one you may not be expecting? Much of our stress is caused by not managing our time wisely. A little dose of good, old-fashioned time management …

Fire & Earth Podcast: E9 Using Partnerships to Unlock Your Potential

Even though it may be hard to admit, no matter who you are, you need help from others to be successful. In this episode Kathy and Jason discuss how to find others to collaborate and partner with that support and bring out the best in you. When you get the right people in the room, …

Fire & Earth Podcast: E8 Using Social Media to Make Human Connections w Phil Gerbyshak

Social media is now an every-day part of our lives, and some people use it in a very sleazy way. The equivalent of walking up to someone at a party and saying “you’re pretty attractive, let’s make a baby.” We should be using social media to make actual human connections, to educate and inspire, not …

Fire & Earth Podcast: E7 Manifestations and the Law of Attraction with Victoria Gallagher

Some of you may be a little skeptical about the Law of Attraction. Think positive and everything good will come into your life if you just believe in the woo-woo, seems a little too good to be true. Many of us are taught to be logical, oh responsible, practical so we can be so dependable, …

Fire & Earth Podcast: E6 The Masks We Wear

Many people wear masks to show the world one thing, when on the inside they may feel much different. When it comes down to it, most people have insecurities and are afraid to let others know their “real” self. This can lead to negative feelings of unworthiness, being fake, or that we are never good …

Fire & Earth Podcast: E5 Staying Positive During the Year from Hell

Do you ever feel like you are just having a “year from hell?” You know one of those Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Years. We all have good days and bad days, but what do we do when it feels like the bad seems to stretch over the course of whole year? How do …

Fire & Earth Podcast: E4 Stress: Are You Running from Bears or Chipmunks?

Stress is a threat … real or imagined. It’s a perception that demands will exceed our resources that causes stress, anxiety, and freaks us out. Usually the perceived threat doesn’t require a major chemical and biological response … like we need when running from a bear. Running from stress to stress during the day feels …

Fire & Earth Podcast: E3 Breathe and Smell the Roses

In our 24/7 world we can get so busy being busy that we run ourselves ragged and feel worn out … the equivalent of our body’s battery running on <20% (red-light warning). When this happens we need to STOP, pause and take a few minutes for self-care – breathe, smell the roses, meditate, etc… to …

Fire & Earth Podcast: E2 Moving Past Fear

Instead of living in fear and missing out on life by holding back, learn how you can overcome False Expectations Appearing Real (FEAR). When you move forward and face your fears you will feel the exhilaration of accomplishment. You will even surprise yourself with what you can accomplish and unlock your potential.
