VIP It’s Time to Get Down Tonight and Get Out of Your Head

If you’re like most people you sometimes have feelings of self doubt or get stuck in over thinking. You know, your brain keeps spinning and you just can’t quit thinking about something usually you are afraid of or have anxiety about. I understand. We’ve all been there. Both self doubt and over thinking happens when …

VIP Why Did I Start a Podcast??

This week I share an interview I did recently with Tom Fox, the king of compliance and podcast heavyweight champion… with the Compliance Podcast Network. This is another tables-are-turned style Jamming with Jason podcast episode where you hear Tom Fox interviews me for the FCPA Compliance Report podcast on the Compliance Podcast Network. This way …

VIP Wow, thank you again! Over 200 episodes now.

You’ve probably noticed a theme in what I’ve been talking about the last couple of weeks. What makes some people so confident and successful, while others struggle and are frustrated? Is it what they do? Can’t be that or else why can two different people do the same thing, but get different results? Research says …

VIP Secrets to Confidence and Success

What makes some people so confident and successful, while others struggle and are frustrated? Is it what they do? Can’t be that or else why can two different people do the same thing, but get different results? Research says it’s the habits they practice, in fact all successful people practice some of the same habits. …

VIP How Confident are you Right Now?

How confident are you right now? If you’re like most people this last 18 months have probably caused you to question that from time to time. You get left out of meetings, don’t get asked your opinion as often, and that can lead to you questioning your competency. I understand. We all have times when …

VIP Cognitive Biases are Hurting You

Cognitive biases are hurting you Mistakes from some of the largest companies in the world on return to the office is costing billions of dollars, and most of it as a result of the same thing… cognitive biases of their executive leadership. If cognitive biases can affect the largest organization in the world, can they …

VIP Mindfulness is KEY to Leadership

You’ve probably heard the term “mindfulness” but does it have any place in corporate leadership?? Isn’t mindfulness just a hyppie-dippie term that is a “weak” way to lead? Research shows it’s actually the most effective long-term approach. In fact, top organizations all around the world are starting to embrace the concept, so this week I’m …

VIP Leadership Comes from the Inside Out

What’s the difference between a third-world country dictator and a traditional leader in the corporate world? Find the answer at: Bad joke, but serious message. Dictators use fear and violence to get people to do what they want. Most corporate leaders are taught to use fear and punishment, and have a command and control, …

Leadership Comes from the Inside Out

What’s the difference between a third-world country dictator and a traditional leader in the corporate world? ANSWER: Not much. Ba, dum, dum. Bad joke, but serious message. Dictators use fear and violence to get people to do what they want. Most corporate leaders are taught to use fear and punishment, and have a command and …
