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Category Archives: Uncategorized
Ep-100 Are You Mind Full or Mindful?
In this episode we pull a card as the basis for our discussion which was: MIND FULL, Group Think. Is your mind full or are you being mindful? What are you filling your mind and body with? Are you showing up empty, so you cup can be filled? This an so much more in this …
Ep-99 Today for You, Tomorrow for Me
Do you believe in true altruism? Is there really such a thing as selfless giving? In this episode we discuss the concept of ayni which means “today for you, tomorrow for me,” and show how as we move down the spiritual path and are consciously aware of our intention and energy behind giving and serving, …
E395 Under Pressure
Is pressure pushing down on you? Maybe it’s work. Maybe it’s a relationship. Maybe it what is going on in the world. Pressure over time leads to bringing buildings down, splitting families, putting people on the street, mental and physical health issues… and so much in between. If you are feeling pressure, in this episode …
E391 Major Tom’s Ashes
What happened to Major Tom? We get some clues in Ashes to Ashes which is the topic of this #podcast episode. We discuss the writing of Space Oddity, feelings of isolation, the dangers of technology taking over, and other sordid details following. “My mother said, to get things done You’d better not mess with Major …
Ep-84 Embracing Changes on the Path
The only thing constant in life is change. When the going gets tough, the tough get going, and the weak quit. Spiritual hikers go through all kinds of changes on the path. In this episode we discuss some changes you will probably encounter and how to push through until the changes become familiar and how …
Embracing Change to Bust Burnout and Embrace Happiness with Jason Mefford
Interview with Phil Gerbyshak and Jason Mefford. Jason Mefford is a recovering auditor and compliance rockstar turned consultant. He also is someone I know who embraces change like few others. Join me as I make him share his secrets to embracing change to bust burnout and embrace happiness.
E354 Don’t Make Assumptions
When you make assumptions you make an “ass” out of “you” and “me.” What if you stopped making assumptions and just lived your life without the suffering that goes along with making assumptions. Check out this episode as I discuss one of “The Four Agreements” from Don Miguel Ruiz’s book. LIKED THE PODCAST?If you’re the …
Ep-34 Stop Being So Serious and Just Live Your Fucking Life
Many people on a spiritual path are very serious and concerned about doing the “right” thing and having consistent practices. But, what if it was more important to feel happy, joy, gratitude and just having fun living your fucking life. What if that was most important? In this episode we discuss that and the prompt …
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Are You Living or a Zombie??
I love watching movies, but I don’t watch them the way most people do.I look at the cinematography, the images, the hidden meanings, and then apply it to learn how I can be a better person. I always find messages in the movies for me. Two movies I recently watched “Living” with Bill Nighy and …