E27: What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There

Ultimately you are the one responsible for your career advancement. Recent surveys show employers are investing less in the training and development on their employees (e.g. 80% of employees state their employer does not offer training, and 86% of workers feel their manager is not skilled in developing employees). Ouch! The truth is, what got …

E26: Why Most Auditors are NOT Trusted Advisors

Are you a trusted advisors in your organization? You may think so, but do the executives in your organization actually perceive you as a trusted advisor? Most auditors have not reached this status, and instead feel frustrated or ignored. In this episode I’ll discuss a framework you can use for determining where you are currently, …

E25: Elephants and Shiny Objects

It’s easy to focus our attention on shiny objects since everyone is talking about them and they just seem sexy. Elephants in the room are rarely sexy, but can represent a much bigger risk to your organization, and are often ignored or overlooked. In this episode you will hear how to determine if you are …

E24: Gaining Different Perspectives to Help Executives Solve Problems with Emilio Rubio

As auditors we need to see the world with different eyes in order to really help executives solves problems. If we only focus on areas within the organization where we believe there is risk, we risk focusing on areas that don’t really matter to management. One of the biggest reasons management does not think audit …

E23: Is Your Internal Audit Team Playing Varsity or JV Ball?

If you are ignored by other executives and frustrated getting resources you need, chances are you’re playing at the junior varsity (JV) instead of varsity level. In this episode we’ll explore some questions to ask so you can assess which one you are really playing, and provide some guidance on how you can level-up your …

E22: I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

The Beatles were right when they said “I get by with a little help from my friends.” In fact the only way we get by is with help from our friends. Sometime though we get the idea we need push forward and do everything ourself. I get it. We are taught to be independent and …

E21: Three Lines of Defense – Comments on the IIA Exposure Document

The IIA recently published an Exposure Document on the Three Lines of Defense Model. Listen to my comments and suggestions for improving the Three Lines of Defense Model and how we can improve our coordination and collaboration with other assurance groups in organizations. To listen and for complete show notes and links to downloads, visit: …

E20: How a Total Quality Mindset Can Help Internal Audit Add Real Value with Amanda “Jo” Erven

We are not talking about the buzz word “quality audits” or how to audit Total Quality Management (TQM) processes, but instead how to incorporate TQM principles into the internal audit activity to add real value to our customers. Just as the TQM principles have changed the manufacturing processes, as proven methods to increase quality of …

E19: The Importance of Having Community in Your Personal and Professional Life

This week’s episode is a little different. We talk about baseball, the IIA’s International Conference in Anaheim and having community in your life. We aren’t talking about networking: shaking hands, passing business cards, and then leaving. We are talking about making real human connections that develop into friendships and a sense of community that is …

E18: Moving Internal Audit to the Strategic Level with Norman Marks

In order to really add value to your organization, internal audit has to move to the strategic level. Too often we spend our time in the details and weeds and then wonder why executives are not interested in what we have to say. If you are being ignored, you are probably not talking and acting …
