You Don’t Lose Weight Jumping to Conclusions

Our most popular new years resolution won’t get solved by jumping to conclusions. Not only that… Nothing will get solved by jumping to conclusions!Often times we become so invested in our first impressions of a situation, we never stop and think about what else could be going on. In today’s episode we discuss being curious …

You’re Confusing What is Happening in Your Brain with Reality

Believe it or not, our brains aren’t exactly the best tools for relaying a proper picture of reality to us.Often times our brain can paint our perspective of reality with other circumstances that color things in a certain way.Instances like this could be positive… or detrimental.Tune in to learn more! Transcript 100:00:02.370 –> 00:00:06.720Jason Mefford: …

Life is Not a Transaction with Ally Edwards

For any real estate aficionados, this episode is for you! Today we have Ally Edwards on the show to discuss her career change to real estate agent and how to find a good realtor. It is known that most people don’t use the same real estate agent on consecutive home purchases/sales. A lot of that …

Getting to Know Your Alter-Ego Manager

In today’s episode we are going to re-visit our ego states. However today is going to be a little more in depth and specific. We are going to do a deep dive into the “manager state”. Our inner managers basically keep our lives on track. From waking up in the morning, to handling critical tasks …

Change the World by Focusing on Relationships

Despite wherever you’re trying to go in life, believe it or not, cultivating healthy relationships are one of the most important factors in achieving your goals. Hearing this may have you thinking that in order to build relationships you need to focus on other people. However this couldn’t be further from the truth. A lot …

Fire & Earth Podcast E53: Combining Yoga and Laughter to Reduce Stress with Brittney Hiller

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about yoga. In this episode we discuss some of the basics of yoga and how anyone can practice this stress relieving practice. We also jump into laughter yoga and the power of laughter. Seems a bit childish? Exactly and when you listen you’ll be laughing with us …
