How Can I Appreciate Everyday Joys and Miracles?

Joys and miracles happen every single day. Do you recognize when they are happening or are you focused more on the negative things? What if you started placing more awareness and attention on the little miracles and joys in your life? What if you started spending more time in the present moment enJOYing? In this …

Don’t Should On Yourself or Others

Most spend a lot of time “shoulding” on themselves and others. Do you use the word “should” and do you realize how often you say it? There is a lot of judgement and control in should. In this episode we dig into the reasons why we use the word should, why others may be using …

E373 Reel to Reel is Living Rarity

“Dreamin’, dreamin’ is free”… and we can all use a little more dreaming about what we really, authentically want in this life. Often I find myself just going through the motions of life and this song has been in my head the last week, so it’s a great topic for another Jamming with Jason episode, …

E372 Lessons on Fatherhood, Sacrifice, and Service with Brian Ahearn

Everyone has a father and a mother. How is your relationship with your parents? If you have children, what is your relationship with them? Would you like it to be a healthier, more loving relationship? In this episode I talk with my friend Brian Ahearn about this new book “His Story, My Story, Our Story,” …

Ep-67 Crossing the Bridge and Initiations

Sometime you have to cross bridges on the spiritual path, and they are usually the crumbling or death defying rope bridges like you see in Lord of the Rings or Indiana Jones movies. In this episode we discuss crossing bridges, initiations into higher levels of being and states of consciousness, and how these relate to …

Are You Hesitating?

Are you hesitating in your life? Is there a big or small decision you need to make, but just feel stuck in freeze mode? In this episode we discuss reasons why we hesitate and how to determine whether to make a choice and move on, or take a little time. We share how you can …

Indulgences That Aren’t Really Indulgences

Are heated toilet seats, comfortable underwear, boots or clothing indulgences? In this episode we discuss what at first may seem to be indulgences, but are actually a way to show yourself love and put you in the right frame of mind and emotion. What are your indulgences and can you show yourself more love by …
