E37: Choices and Why I Do What I Do

Are you making conscious decisions each day to get where you ultimately want to be? Conscious or un-conscious, you are making decisions everyday of your life that have gotten you to exactly where you are. If you don’t like where you are, it’s time to make some new decisions. In this episode I share some …

Risk related to independent contractors (CAEB 25)

The Chief Audit Executive (CAE) Briefing is now a FREE course for all CAEs. If you are the CAE in your organization, or you report to a CAE in a large organization, you may register for this course at:  https://jasonmefford.mykajabi.com/offers/ezsxLzjQ If you are NOT a CAE, this course is not for you. Sign up to …

E36: A Candid Discussion About Certifications

Certifications are a necessary part of developing your professional career. Without them, you risk being held back in your career earning potential, and promotion possibilities. In today’s job market, certifications are becoming more and more important … but often they can take 1 to 2 years (or more) to obtain using archaic methods typically used …

“The Road Ahead for Internal Audit 5 Bold Predictions for the 2020s.” (CAEB 24)

The Chief Audit Executive (CAE) Briefing is now a FREE course for all CAEs. If you are the CAE in your organization, or you report to a CAE in a large organization, you may register for this course at:  https://jasonmefford.mykajabi.com/offers/ezsxLzjQ If you are NOT a CAE, this course is not for you. Sign up to …

E35: Auditing Humor and Other Oxymorons with Mike Jacka

As auditors we tend to be a very serious group of people. In our attempt to appear competent and professional we often switch over into the boring, robot-like realm … a place that gives rise to much of the auditor stereotypes. In this episode we discuss how humor and creativity can actually make us better …

Two webinars for risk based auditors (CAEB 23)

The Chief Audit Executive (CAE) Briefing is now a FREE course for all CAEs. If you are the CAE in your organization, or you report to a CAE in a large organization, you may register for this course at:  https://jasonmefford.mykajabi.com/offers/ezsxLzjQ If you are NOT a CAE, this course is not for you. Sign up to …

E34: Compliance Enforcement Case Studies with Matt Kelly

Internal audit and compliance perform similar, but distinct functions. Both groups need to work together to help ensure compliance with the most important laws and regulations and help organizations avoid significant fines, penalties, and repetitional risk. As part of your risk assessment procedures, you need to be scanning what’s happening to other organizations and where …

Myths and misconceptions with RBIA (CAEB 22)

The Chief Audit Executive (CAE) Briefing is now a FREE course for all CAEs. If you are the CAE in your organization, or you report to a CAE in a large organization, you may register for this course at:  https://jasonmefford.mykajabi.com/offers/ezsxLzjQ If you are NOT a CAE, this course is not for you. Sign up to …

E33: Risk-Based Internal Auditing

Even though we have been using the term “risk-based auditing” for over 20 years, many internal audit groups have not really implemented it … and many mis-understand the concepts behind it. In this episode I explain the challenges and opportunities facing internal audit as a profession and why moving to a truly risk-based approach is …

Develop a truly risk-based audit plan (CAEB 21)

The Chief Audit Executive (CAE) Briefing is now a FREE course for all CAEs. If you are the CAE in your organization, or you report to a CAE in a large organization, you may register for this course at:  https://jasonmefford.mykajabi.com/offers/ezsxLzjQ If you are NOT a CAE, this course is not for you. Sign up to …
