VIP Why You Forget More Than You Learn

I was recently interviewed on a podcast and we started talking about learning, something I LOVE!

It reminded me of how difficult it is for most people to learn, since you were taught a traditional method in school where you are lucky to remember 10% of what you learned.

Does this sound like how you were taught to learn:

  1. read a book,
  2. listen to a lecture,
  3. memorize facts, and
  4. regurgitate them for the test?

That method might have gotten you through school, with a lot of effort, but it won’t get you through life without a lot of struggle.

Traditional learning methods like that SUCK and is one reason people “quit” learning when they leave school. The trouble is, to survive in this world you have to keep learning, but you need to learn how to do it much more effectively.

Listen to the podcast I did on this subject with Gina Hansen at:

Are you ready to learn the science behind learning and brain processing, and how to practically apply the Multi-Sensory Learning Loop to everything you do, so that you learn quicker and remember more?

Are you ready to learn the modern learning method I developed that I referred to in the podcast?

Here’s a few more questions:

  • Are you a life-long learner who wants to remember more of what you learn?
  • Are you studying in a formal learning environment, or for exams and want to pass quicker or improve your exam scores?
  • Are you someone who has to learn lots of new information for your job / career and want to do it in less time?
  • Do you have difficulty learning in a traditional learning environment?
  • Do you want to remember things easier?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then learn more about the Multi-Sensory Learning method I created that will help you learn quicker and remember more at:

And then, catch up on any of these Jamming with Jason episode you might have missed this last week:

E251 Speak Up and Stand Out with Laurie-Ann Murabito

Most people are terrified to speak in public, but we do it everyday. How much easier would it be if you learned some tips for how to stand out and be confident, instead of being nervous each time you open your mouth?

E252 F&E Friday: You’re Confusing What is Happening in Your Brain with Reality

Whether you realize it or not, your brain is playing tricks on you. What you think is reality, or the stories you tell yourself, is probably not what is actually happening.

Tips to Make Learning Fun and Effective

Here’s the podcast episode I did with Gina Hansen I mentioned earlier in the email.

E253 Success Leaves Clues with Pavel Verbnyak

What do you do when you are a boy born in a small village in northwestern Russia and want to become successful and improve your life? You “hang out” with people who inspire you by reading their books, taking their courses, and feeding your brain so you become like them. You develop habits that made those people successful and you live them every day. Success leaves clues, and what others have done you can do also.
