E378 Right Tool for the Job

To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. You may have a very good hammer. You may be a very good hammer, but is that the right tool for the job? Sometimes a fork is more appropriate than a spoon or knife… even if you are Shel Silverstein and eat your peas with honey on …

Ep-73 Earth Element is More Than Trees, Rocks and Dirt

In this episode we discuss more about the element of earth and some ways you may not think about using the elements. Most people think of walking in the grass, digging in the dirt, hugging a tree, and/or using crystals, but it is so much more than that. Earth elements are all around us whether …

Day Tripping Preparation and Integration

In this episode we discuss Kathy’s recent ketamine trip, how to prepare for a trip, integrating, and making sure one is safe during the process. Whether you choose to participate or not in entheogen use, the concept discussed are relevant for preparing and integrating any visionary quest or other experiences.

Going Back Home

Home is never the same once you leave. Either you change, home changes or both change… and that is just part of the heroic journey. In this episode we discuss stories of our return home, what we learned, how to release past history and beliefs you are holding onto about your past, and how to …

E377 Let the Sunshine Out

Everything is created mentally before it appears in physical form. In this episode we discuss how we can use our mental and spiritual capacity to manifest into physical form through not doing… something more impactful than physical doing. So whether you want to create post-it notes, that perfect next business meeting, or visualizing world peace, …

E376 Wash Your Hands

Have you ever left a conversation feeling a little “icky” or dirty? Has someone made you feel inferior, questioned your integrity, shot anger your way, or triggered you in a way that makes you feel angry, shameful, depressed, etc…? In this episode we discuss physical and mental practices to clean up figurative “mud” thrown your …

E375 Life Isn’t Math Class

In math class you don’t have to just get the right answer, but you also have to show your work in solving the problem using the “correct” order and steps to get the answer. In the 3D world you are often told you have to follow a prescribed set of steps, but there are very …

Ep-70 Difference Between Feeling and Sensing

Is that your intuition talking, or are you still in your head? In this episode we share some experiences and practical advice so see if what you are hearing or sensing is coming from the universe, or your subconscious brain. Are your answers rooted in fear? Do you have expectations or attachments of what you …
