E354 Don’t Make Assumptions

When you make assumptions you make an “ass” out of “you” and “me.” What if you stopped making assumptions and just lived your life without the suffering that goes along with making assumptions. Check out this episode as I discuss one of “The Four Agreements” from Don Miguel Ruiz’s book. LIKED THE PODCAST?If you’re the …

Protecting Can Hurt Kids and Adults

You probably think you are protecting kids and adults when you don’t share certain information or make choices for them, but what if you are actually hurting them and just delaying the inevitable. It’s much easier to control the narrative than have the narrative control you when things come out anyway. And what if your …

E353 Don’t Take Anything Personally

Do you get offended easily? When others say something do you take it personally? What if it has nothing to do with you? Check out this episode as I discuss one of “The Four Agreements” from Don Miguel Ruiz’s book. LIKED THE PODCAST?If you’re the kind of person who likes to help others, then share …

Psychedelic Journeys and Dying Every Day

Once you know, you cannot un-know what you have seen or experienced. You are forever changed. In this episode Kathy shares what she learned from one of her psychedelic journeys and how we are all dying a little each day and becoming new as we experience and shed our old self. Actually dying a little …

Ep-43 What is the Dream and Who Is the Dreamer?

Dreams and Dreamtime are an important part of spiritual practices, and in this episode we discuss dreams and what we’ve learned in our experience and share some tips for how to view dreams in a different way. Have you had the same dream over and over again? Do you dreams not seem to make any …

E351 You Can’t Make Time

Did you know you can’t make time? We say it all the time, but we can’t make time… we can only take time for those things that really matter to us.And, time is not real and just an illusion anyway but we spend most of our lives being a slave to the clock. In this …
