Life is choice, and often as adults we are concerned with making the “right” choices… often leading us to freeze and never make a choice, or stop our feet like toddlers because what we see as the “right” choice is not one we have to choose from. In this episode I use a very childish …
Category Archives: Podcast
Ep-17 Is That Really What You Believe?
“True growth is not growing inside of someone else’s system of values and beliefs… It is finding and discovering your own.” In this episode we take Brad’s first impression about the quote and discuss how our indoctrination from childhood leads to the values and beliefs we often have now… many of which we may no …
It’s Really That Simple
Complexity usually comes with the expensive price tag of worry and anxiety. What would happen if you simplified your life? Would you feel more peace, joy, and happiness? In this episode we share some examples of how more, and more complication is usually not your best option. And what can happen when you start making …
Ep-16 The Air That I Breathe
“Sometimes… all I need is the air that I breathe and to love you” The Hollies. Sometimes it’s just that simple. In fact, without breath in just a few minutes your body dies so it’s vital to life, and it’s also vital to your spiritual evolvement. In this episode we discuss how we can be …
Accepting the Is-Ness of the Moment
Can you accept what is, and be present in the moment? Are you judging and calling things good or bad, instead of saying “we’ll see?” “When people see things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad.” Lao Tzu. Can you withhold judgement and be grateful …
E324 Getting Out of the Rat Race with Laura Noel
Ever feel like you are a rat or a hamster just spinning on a wheel. Get up, go to work, come home, go to bed, get up and do it all over again. Are you ready to get out of the rat race and unlock you full potential to achieve impossible goals? Then listen to …
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Ep-15 Love, Light and Donkey Dicks
What do donkeys have to do with love, light and spirituality? Are you compartmentalizing you life and being one kind of person at work, and another in your personal life? You can’t spend 30 minutes on the yoga mat meditating and then spend the rest of the day being a dick to everyone drinking spiritual …
E323 Ask And It Shall Be Given to You with Ashley Pitzer
Often answers from the universe come after we have asked ourselves specific questions. The answers may come quickly, or may take some time. In this episode I talk again with one of my favorite people, Ashley Pitzer about how she uses this process in her life and in her creative process as a writer. In …
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Ep-14 Signs, Signs, Everywhere There Are Signs
How do you know when the universe is speaking to you, or is it just monkey chatter or what you want to tell yourself? There are signs all around you when you tune and place attention on it. In this episode we share some experiences we have both had with following signs, so you can …
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Enjoying the Little Things in Life
How often to do you stop to enjoy the little things in life? Watching the squirrels and gnats. Appreciating the small wins and simple things you can be grateful for. Or are you the kind of person that is only looking for the big things and ignoring or under appreciating the beauty that is right …