E303 Sleigh Bells Ring, Are You Listening?

This time of year there are lots of references to sleigh bells, silver bells, church bells and even hells bells. And there are a lot more to bells than you might realize. Very simple instrument that can be a reminder as well as a vibrational tool you can use in your evolvement when you are …

Are You in a Hypnotic Trance in Your Life?

Believe it or not, you may actually be in a hypnotic trance right now! Many things that we are exposed to on a daily basis are actually designed to put us in a suggestive hypnotic state.The fact that you’re looking at a screen and reading this may indicate that you have been hypnotized by the …

E302 Dreaming of a White Christmas?

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas, or one full of orange and palm trees swaying? Did you know the #1 selling song of all time is White Christmas? In this #jammingwithjason #podcast we discuss how this simple song has had such a huge impact on society and helped move Christmas from just a religious …

E301 Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

Do you like Monty Python? If you’ve seen the movie The Life of Brian, then you are already familiar with the song they sung to close out that great #montypython movie. In fact you are probably singing it in your head right now. There is a lot we can learn from the lyrics in this …

What is the Difference Between Reactive and Proactive?

Reactive vs. Proactive seems like a black and white subject matter, however you may be surprised to hear that the line between the two may be a little more obfuscated than we think. Kathy and Jason discuss some interesting scenarios that actually seem to blur the line between the two. So what do you think? …

E300 Brass In Pocket

Do you feel heavy and weighed down? Are you carrying around rocks in your backpack, or pennies in your pocket? In this #jammingwithjason #podcast episode we celebrate our 300th episode and share some of the lessons learned from the first 300 episodes. FOR FULL SHOW NOTES AND LINKS VISIT:https://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason300/ DO YOU LOVE MUSIC LIKE ME?If …

E299 It Comes Down to Fixing Us Through Life Mastery with Sherry Fernandez

We are designed for and motivated to seek happiness. However, to be motivated but not trained can be frustrating. Success comes from learning, practice, and sharing with planning, habits and discipline. It’s also about balancing eight different areas of your life. When you are out of balance, you typically don’t have the success you desire. …

Expanding Your Consciousness with Travel

Believe it or not there is actually an entire world out there! For a lot of people the only world they know is just their neighborhood.Today Kathy and Jason are here to share some stories of their travels around the world, and to share the benefits that travel can have for other people.So where have …
