E148: Do You Have Career Insurance?

You already understand the benefits of having health insurance when those unexpected situations come along, but do you have career insurance?? When that inevitable career “stroke” or “heart attack” comes along you don’t want to be left holding the bag on your career, do you? In this #jammingwithjason episode I’m sharing what you need to create your …

E146: Executive Presence for Chief Audit Executives with Hal Garyn

Some people have it, and some people don’t. Do you walk into a room and command presence? Do people give you their full undivided attention? If you are a Chief Audit Executive, you are going to want to tune in for this one! Today we are joined with Hal Garyn to discuss Executive Presence, what …

E144: Aligning with Management Expectations is What Value-Added Means with George Graves

In today’s episode, we have George Graves who is here to share with us the things that he has learned and witnessed in the auditing field over the course of his 40 year career. From the “magazine image of auditing” to best practices in internal audit functions this episode is JAM packed with tons of …

E142: The Difference a Little Extra Effort Makes

Most people do just enough to get by… But what can be achieved with just a little bit of extra effort? In today’s episode I share some real life stories along with a story regarding “The Greatest of All Time”. The people in these stories got results, and with a little application you can too! …

E140: Your Habits Will Make or Break You

In life we don’t necessarily get what we want, we usually get what our habits give us. We have two kinds of habits; good habits and habits that no longer serve us.In todays episode I speak about how we can end habits that no longer help us and start building habits that do, so we …

E138: The Glass Is Always Full

Science shows that optimists live longer and happier lives than pessimists do. With the world in the state that it is in today, it can be hard tostay optimistic. In today’s episode I discuss with you how we can see the sunny side of life, and always view the glass not only as half full, …

E136: Get Out Of Your Head

In today’s episode we are going to talk about how overthinking and getting into your own head may be one of the worst things that you are doing. There are certain things that you can do in order to improve your habits which will in turn improve your outcomes in life. So join me here …

Fire & Earth Podcast E109: Practicing resilience

Today’s episode is going to be a bit of a quick and practical discussion on how you can become a more resilient person.Through various techniques such as meditation, or guided breathing to mindfulness or just being more familiar with who you are, youcan build yourself up to be a much more resilient individual. #fireandearthpodcast Listen …

E134: Data Analytics is NOT About Exception Reporting with Nathan Pickard

What are some of the biggest challenges when #internalaudit starts incorporating #dataanalytics? How can thinking of data analytics as a process instead of a part of a project make a HUGE difference in your success? These questions and more are answered in my discussion with Nathan Pickard, CEO of 9b. This #jammingwithjason episode will give …

E130: Real World Intentional Living with Sean Rosensteel

In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I take a little break from the technical and professional aspects of our career to talk with my friend Sean Rosensteel about being more intentional in our living. Many people put their head down and focus completely on only one or two aspects of their life and wake up years later …
