If I could save time in a bottle, ahhh those beautiful words from Jim Croce. Problem is you can’t. The one thing all humans have an equal amount of is time … the challenge for most of us it just keeps slipping, slipping away and we wake up years later in exactly the same place. …
Tag Archives: jason mefford
Fire & Earth Podcast E77: The Magic of Surrendering to Be Yourself with Eric Sharp
In this #fireandearthpodcast episode we talk with Eric “Sharpo” Sharp. The discussion takes many twists and turns but here’s a little overview. Define your values and then your choices become easy. Better to have good people in your life than lots of people. Surrender to being yourself. Connecting with others so you don’t go through …
E76: Community and Coaching
In order to really learn we need knowledge, skills, abilities and experience. Abilities come from taking knowledge and skills we acquire and through reflection and application figuring out how to apply them to our situation and circumstance for our benefit. We then fully learn through repetition and experience actually doing those things. In this #jammingwithjason …
Fire & Earth Podcast E76: The Five Steps of Hypnosis with Karl Smith
We are joined again by Karl Smith from the UK Hypnosis Academy to discuss the 5 elements or steps to hypnosis. 1. pre-talk, 2. induction, 3. deepens, 4. suggestion, and 5. emergence and how hypnosis. If you haven’t listened to the previous episode with Karl on “How the Worst Day of My Life Turned into …
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E75: The Tables are Turned with Silvia Puhani
Normally I’m on the side of the table asking questions and interviewing guest, but in this very special #internalauditpodcast episode of #jammingwithjason you get to experience Silvia Puhani interviewing me. Silvia recently interviewed me for her podcast: Interne Revision, and graciously gave me access to the recording so I could also share it with you. …
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Fire & Earth Podcast E75: How the Worst Day of My Life Turned into The Best Day of My Life with Karl Smith
Have you ever experienced a “Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” like the character Alexander from the classic children’s book? Karl Smith has. Learn how the worst day of Karl’s life led him to hypnotherapy as a way to deal with significant pain and trauma and transformed his life. Hear his story of going …
E74: Limitless Learning
In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast episode I dig into improving your learning so you can unlock your limitless potential. It’s a bit of a potpourri episode, one where we literally talk about potpourri, but a few other topics besides learning You don’t just need training, you need to LEARN … and they are two different …
Fire & Earth Podcast E74: Grounding and Centering with a Morning Routine
A great day starts with a good grounding and centering activities. So many people talk about a morning routine as the best way to get started … because it’s true. In this #fireandearthpodcast episode we talk about some ways to ground and center yourself each morning so you start your day off on the right …
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E73: Welcome to the Jungle of Online Training
Seems like everyone and their dog is now offering online training saying the equivalent of “We got everything you want honey, We are the people that can find whatever you may need. If you got the money, honey we got your disease.” I’ve been in the online space now for about 10 years, and I …
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Fire & Earth Podcast E73: 21 Days of Abundance
If you are like most people listening to the #fireandearthpodcast you would like to manifest some amazing things. Just closing your eyes and dreaming about a Ferrari, won’t make one appear. The law of attraction requires that you also practice the law of action. In this episode we discuss how to use a 21 days …
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