Giving Back from a Place of Potential with Loddie Foose

We have Loddie Foose join the show with us today, to discuss a cause that not only she is involved in, but also Kathy!“Women in Healthcare Give Back” is a group that’s main goal is to help women serve their communities while promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion for women in the workplace. To learn more …

E292 It’s About Energy, Energy, Energy with Joan Marie

Today we have Joan Marie on the show to share with us her own personal story along with how art can bring about powerful feelings of emotion, excitement, and ENERGY! Connect with Joan Marie and see her art that we discussed on this episode at: FOR FULL SHOW NOTES AND LINKS VISIT: LIKED THE …

Trying New Things Adds Spice to Your Life

Sometimes life can get very repetitive. Some people may be fine with the normal everyday routine, but that can lead to one’s life feeling stagnant.If you’re feeling bored with your day to day life, today’s podcast can be a good one to check out! Listen in at:

E291 Frequency Healing and Career Changes with Ambi Kavanagh

What do you do when you are flying high in your career and your world falls apart? You pick up the pieces, heal yourself and move on with your next phase. What if it happens again? Rinse and repeat. Just like there is spring, summer, fall and winter in nature… and we sometimes have to …

Psychedelics and Sacred Medicine with Carlos Casados

Are you curious about Psychedelics or Sacred Medicine? There is a lot of recent scientific research and documentaries about the topic and many people are curious and starting to experiment. Perhaps you’ve been doing your own research or feeling curious. Look no further. We have Carlos Casados on the #fireandearth #podcast who has 32 years …

E290 Mind, Body and Spirit = Who You Are with Sarah Kalmeta

Today we have Sarah “The Pivoter” on the show to discuss with us what is important in the corporate world along with how she “pivoted” her career to leave her old corporate life behind and to start bringing positive change to the world of work! Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn at: FOR FULL SHOW …

Emotions in the Workplace

Is there ever a good time for emotions to be present in the workplace? Most of us would probably say “no” and leave it at that.Well in today’s episode Kathy and Jason are going to discuss when… Or IF emotions can be a good thing in a work setting! Listen in at:

E289 Life Beyond the Scale with Rebecca Kleha

Today we have my friend Rebecca Kleha on the show to discuss, how many of us can stop obsessing about our weight! For many people putting on a few pounds can lead to a lot of self negativity that can harm us in our day to day lives. Rebecca is a health and nutrition coach …

E287 Hypnotherapy is NOT of the Devil with Bill Klaproth

What is the common thing that helps cure cancer with only 4 months left to live, Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS), weight loss, depression, pain, anxiety, fear of dogs, and many other ailments? And what if it works in as little as 1-3 sessions? Would you like to know what it is? Then listen to this …
