E230 Modern Leader Skills

You probably already know how much harder it is now to be a leader. What used to work, doesn’t work so well now, and you may find yourself feeling more isolated, having difficult conversations with your peers and co-workers, and feeling a lot more stressed. Chances are you may be still using traditional leader skills …

VIP Are You Committed to Your Growth??

Get a VIP backstage pass and behind the scenes information when you join the VIP Lounge with Jason Mefford: https://www.jasonmefford.com/vip/ What can happen when you are committed to investing in your growth, and you have a fire to learn? You can speed up your career by years. But don’t take my word for it, listen …

VIP Are you an Audit Leader?

Get a VIP backstage pass and behind the scenes information when you join the VIP Lounge with Jason Mefford: https://www.jasonmefford.com/vip/ Are you and Audit Leader? The reason I ask is so many people who listen to the podcast work in audit or are leaders. If you are an Audit Leader there are a couple of …

VIP If you could read my mind…

Get a VIP backstage pass and behind the scenes information when you join the VIP Lounge with Jason Mefford: https://www.jasonmefford.com/vip/ If you could read my mind… I’ll keep this brief. Each week I record podcasts, videos, social media posts and write emails to serve you. If you could read my mind, you’d know my intention …

The CIA Exam Costs Over $10K+

Whether you realize it or not, the #ciaexam typically costs people over $10K+…I understand if you may not believe that, but watch this video (see below) where I share the math and how it really does take that amount of investment and often takes years for people to become certified.…You can’t afford to spend years …

VIP Repetition is really a good thing

Sometimes I feel like I say the same thing over and over again. Broken record Jason 🙂 Sometime I say too much, and other times not enough (btw there’s an upcoming episode about that). Have you ever watched a movie, read a book, or listened to music a second, third, fourth time and think… wow …

VIP Better to be on FIRE and avoid burn out

Whether you realize it or not, you are probably more stressed out than you think. In fact over 80% of people in the USA feel significantly stressed this year. Up about 20% from previous surveys from the American Psychological Association. And when you experience long periods of stress, you may be just one conversation or …

VIP You’re stuck because you aren’t making enough mistakes

Various points in your life may seem random and unguided. Perhaps you think that you aren’t sure what it is you are doing or what next step you should take… so you don’t do anything because you are afraid of making a mistake. You’re probably stuck because you don’t know what to do and are …

VIP Be Careful What You Measure… It Just Might Bite You in the Butt

In this week’s Jamming with Jason podcast we have Guido Van Drunen back on the show to discuss how what we are measuring may not be what we SHOULD be measuring. In fact, what you choose to measure and focus your attention on, may actually make it more difficult to achieve your goals or you …

VIP How cleaning toilets and delivering mail is a good place to start

This is one of those emails about having a great career. Why? Because so many people ask me how to get their next job, how to move to another organization, how to become an executive and earn a lot more money. And who doesn’t want to earn a lot more money? If you feel like …
