E158: Ask Better Questions with Robert Berry

In todays episode we’re joined with Robert Berry to discuss how to ask better questions. By asking better questions we will end up getting better answers which will allow us to perform better audits. From overcoming the fear of looking stupid or the fear of failing, to taking an interest in the people around you, …

The Energy of Money

Something that affects everyone, in one way or another is money. Today we discuss why certain people are having problems breaking through certain monetary thresholds, how much money is “enough” money,and what kinds of energy surrounds money. Since the universe loves numbers, naturally our currency can be affected by what kind of energy we are …

E156: Get Out of the Echo Chamber

You’re in an echo chamber and probably don’t even realize it. In this #JammingwithJason #podcast episode we look into how your echo chambers are probably holding you back in realizing your potential, and how you can break free. I’m also sharing some thoughts on the recently released 2021 North American Pulse of #InternalAudit report. Take …

How to Deal with COVID PTSD

With a lot of uncertainty about how long quarantine will be while lacking the ability to personally interact with other people, travel for a vacation, or attend public eventsa lot of people are having stress build up while not being able to de-stress in the old ways that we have been able to.  On top …

E154: Balancing Work / Life Commitments When Working from Home with Dawn Vogel

With the removal of the work / life compartmentalization since working from home (i.e. the decompression time on the commute home, the dedicated focused attention when you closed your office door, etc…) the world of remote work and working from home under COVID has affect our productivity quite a lot. From finding workspace at home, …

Take a Vacation in Your Mind

In our current days of Covid-19 it has been incredibly difficult to travel. If you want to go on that destination vacation despite our lockdown restrictions, today’s episode may be a little helpful. How we may not be able to physically leave our local confines, we do in fact have the ability to trick our …

E152: Developing Relationships to Get a Seat at the Table with Hal Garyn

Where does Internal Audit report? How does this affect your independence and how can you use this to be able to lead an effective internal audit group?Getting a seat at the table is built upon what value you bring to the organization as well as what perceived future value you will bring as well.Professional relationships …

Flashback Friday: Control any Conversation in a Remote Work Environment

Have you had a conversation this last month that just didn’t go the way you expected??? If you’re like most people I’m sure you have. Might have been at work, might have been in your personal life … and I’m guessing with the holidays coming there are some conversations you aren’t looking forward to with …

Fire & Earth Podcast E117: What’s On Your Desk #5

From gifts, to love and family heritage, things start to get a little deep.In today’s episode we share with you what kinds of things are taking up residence on our desks in this fifth installment of “What’s On Your Desk”! Listen in at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/fireandearthpodcast/ Transcript 100:00:01.020 –> 00:00:10.260kathygruver: hey everybody, welcome to another episode of …

E150: Lessons from a CAE with Mike Joyce

In today’s episode we speak with Mike Joyce. We learn about volunteer opportunities that can gain you useful knowledge in your audit career, along with interdepartmental symbiosis that can allow for a much smoother audit process. If you still want even more. Then you will definitely want to tune in to hear Mike’s advice to …
